“Hayden!” Logan calls after me as I go to leave, but I ignore her.
I press a kiss to Carson’s mom’s cheek. “Thanks for breakfast, Mrs. Briar. Sorry I’m a grumpy fuck. I’ll make it up to you.”
She pats me on the shoulder. “I know you will, Hayden. Have a good day at school.”
I give her the best smile I can before I start moving again, then head for the door. The day is hot already, but it’s a dry heat that makes it hard to breathe. Add that with the anxiety crawling up my spine, and I feel like I’m fucking suffocating by the time I’m sitting in my driver’s seat.
Yanking open the center console, I grab a bottle of Xanax and pour three into my hand. I take them down with the half empty water bottle in the cup holder and then try to suck some oxygen into my lungs to get my mind to calm down.
My body feels like it’s in overdrive, so mentally and physically exhausted from last night that I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it through the entire day.
I light a cigarette, holding the first puff in my lungs, then blowing it out slowly.
The only thing that gets me to crank the engine and head for school is the fact I get to see Penelope.
I don’t like the fact that just seeing her will make me feel level again, but it will. I don’t fucking know why.
I blare the stereo once my phone has connected to the Bluetooth, letting music take over the thoughts inside my mind, and push down the accelerator.
Luxington High isn’t that far from Carson and Logan’s neighborhood, so with the speed of my Maserati, I make it there in just under ten minutes. I park in the spot I’ve claimed as my own in the student parking lot and turn off my car. Making sure to take three deep breaths before grabbing my backpack, I step out onto the asphalt, my head spinning from the Xans.
I feel better, not 100%, but I’m definitely not on the verge of clawing my skin off anymore.
Even though I’m early, the corridor is already crowded once I’ve pushed my way inside, one room on my mind.
The classroom door is closed when I get to it, and I can see Mrs. Justice and Penelope both occupying their desks through the small glass window. I rip my phone from my pocket and shoot Penelope a text message to tell her I’m here, and once she’s looked down at her phone on the tabletop and read it, she moves her eyes to the window and meets my gaze.
Her eyes narrow, and I make acome heremotion with my hand.
At that, her eyes roll a little, and her mouth drops open on a sigh like I’m frustrating her. It makes my mouth kick up into a smirk when she stands up and starts to walk to the door.
I turn to walk away, hoping when she exits the classroom, she understands to follow me.
As I dart my eyes around the hallway as I walk, I make sure no one else notices me or stops me to talk, but also look for somewhere private we can go.
Pushing into the first closet I come across, I close the door behind me and hope like hell she saw where I went. I count in my head as I wait, and when I’ve reached thirty, the door opens, and Penelope walks in.
She’s hurried, closing the door quickly and pressing her back to it.
“We can’t do this here,” she says in way of greeting, and I laugh.
“I just wanted to see you,” I say, stepping up to her and putting my hands on her waist.
“You couldn’t wake me up before leaving?” she snaps in a hushed whisper, her eyes burning with fire.
“You’re mad?” I question, my brow curling up.
“Yes.” She pushes my hands off.
“Baby,” I start, but she cuts me off.
“I woke up and you were gone. I don’t think you understand all the horrible things I’ve thought this morning. You can’t just fuckingleave, Hayden.”
“I texted you,” I say in defense, regretting the words the moment they leave my lips and I see her face turn to stone. I want to laugh, but I think that may get me in more trouble right now. So, I try a different path. “I didn’t know that wasn’t okay. I won’t do it again.”
“Where did you go?” she asks, her tone softening.
“I had breakfast with my friends,” I answer, putting my hands back on her waist and stepping closer. “I should have woken you up, and I’m sorry.”