Page 51 of The Hallows Queen

“What if I use one of my dad’s cards? That way, it’s a win for both of us,” I suggest, shrugging as I take a bite of my food. “The bastard has enough money, he probably won’t notice.”

“No,” Levi says. “Just forget it. Sorry I made this about me, Carson. I’m really fucking stoked for you.”

“Levi…” Logan says sadly, and he shakes his head to cut her off.

“Enough. What else is new?”

I feel bad, of course I do, and I know that between Logan, Carson, and myself, we’ll find a way to get Levi out there with us if that’s where we go. We’re a family, and we’re going to stick together. I don’t have any concrete plans for myself, nothing past this year, at least. I figure I’ll graduate high school, then follow my friends wherever they go. I have no clue what I’m doing with my life, what my major will be if I decide to go to school, or what my future will look like – all I know is that I’m not losing my family.

“Giuliana has a boyfriend,” Logan says, speaking of her best friend from her hometown.

“Damn, bad news all around, huh?” Levi groans, stabbing his pasta with a fork. “That chick could punch me in the face, and I’d say thank you.”

I snort, and Logan shakes her head as she laughs.

We’ve only met Logan’s friends from Franklin a handful of times. They don’t like coming out to Luxington, and they typically feel the same way as Logan about the extravagance and over-the-top bullshit out here. But out of everyone, Giuliana is the one who’s been here the most, since she’s Logan’s best friend.

“You guys excited for school?” Logan asks, and we all collectively groan.

“C’mon,guys. Senior year!” she cheers. “We’re gonna have so much fun!”

I want to throw up.

I want to shrink down so small that my anxiety is forced to leave my body because there’s no more room for it. But, most of all, I want tomorrow to not be happening. I very well may lose Penelope after she finds out how old I really am.

That I’m eighteen.

That I’ve been lying to her since I met her.

That she’s been fucking a student this whole time.



“You nervous?”Katie asks through the speaker of my phone where it’s resting on my bathroom counter. I’m applying a third coat of mascara in the mirror anxiously.

“Yes,” I answer, putting the cap back on the tube of mascara. I fish through my makeup bag for some lipstick, unsure if I should go my usual dark red route or if it’s too scandalous for a high school teacher. I decide on a matte peach color and apply it silently while Katie keeps talking.

“You havenothingto be nervous about. This is your destiny, babe. Go in there, kick some ass, and then call me when you get home so we can talk all about it.”

I rub my lips together. “What if I accidentally drop the F-bomb in the middle of class? Or if I bend over and my skirt rides up too far? Oh god, I am not meant to be a role model, Katie.”

She laughs. “You’re perfectly capable of holding yourself accountable for your own actions, and you mastered the art of pretending to be a grownup a long time ago. Deep breaths.”

I groan loudly, throwing the lipstick back into my makeup bag. “What if–”

“Stop,” she cuts me off, and I crinkle my nose at myself in the mirror. “No morewhat ifs!Get your shit together.”

I huff. “Fine, my shit will be together by the time I arrive at school.”

“Good girl. Call me when you get home.’

A small smile touches my lips. “I will.”

“I am very proud of you, Penelope Leyton,” Katie says, making my smile grow bigger.

“Love you.” I know if I give in to a lovey-dovey conversation right now, I’ll probably end up crying. “Call you later.”