I laugh. “The one you forced me to give you after I rented that yacht? Sure thing.”
Clapping hands with Carson, I check out his new haircut. Normally, his blonde locks are a wavy mess on top of his head like a surfer, but now he has it shaved at the sides and cut short on top. “New cut?”
“Football camp was hot as fuck. I couldn’t take it anymore.”
Logan kisses him on the neck as she passes by to head for the dining room. “I think he looks really sexy.”
“Oh yeah, I’m horny for this new look, C,” Levi adds, grinning playfully. He looks at me. “Daddy? Thoughts?”
Carson laughs. “Shut up, Valentino. Don’t get him started on thatdaddyshit again.”
“I haven’t called myself daddy for a while, do I need to bring it back?”
At the same time Carson says, “absolutely not,” Levi cheers in support.
We all laugh, and when Logan comes back, she starts directing us all around the kitchen.
We’re told to grab something and head for the dining room, and we’re all too whipped by our best friend to say no. Logan takes everything from our hands one by one, setting up the table with everything she’s prepared in the nicest way possible.
They made lasagna, garlic bread, and a little dish with chicken Alfredo for Levi, which is sweet since he doesn’t like marinara.
I sit down next to Logan, who is fixing a plate for Carson. “You made all of this?”
“Me and Carson.” She grins. “We’re working on our cooking skills so we don’t have to keep ordering in.”
Levi is already digging into his food, moaning around his fork, and he speaks with a mouth full of pasta. “Well, don’t stop, you guys did really good.”
We laugh, and when Logan has fixed a plate for herself and her boyfriend, I hold my empty plate out to her and wiggle my eyebrows. She snorts, sitting down and ignoring my extended plate. “Get a girlfriend, then maybe she will fix you a plate.”
I chuckle. “Dick.”
She grins around a mouthful of lasagna, and watches as I pile food onto my plate for myself.
When I’m seated again, and digging into my food, Carson swallows his mouthful and clears his throat to get everyone’s attention. “So.”
We all look at him and wait for him to say whatever it is that’s on the tip of his tongue.
“I was visited by the UCLA recruit while I was at camp. I guess he watched some of the scrimmages and thinks there’spotentialfor me to play over there next year.”
My brows go up, and Levi yells incoherently, spitting little bits of food over his plate.
Logan’s face is brightened by the biggest smile as she stares at the man she loves, pride swelling in her eyes.
“Does this mean we’re moving to California next year?!” Levi shouts, standing up and pushing his chair out so hard that it falls over.
Carson laughs, running a hand through his hair. “Well,wemight be. You guys can come if you want.”
“Dude,” I say, slapping a hand on his arm. “That’s fucking amazing, C.”
Levi is still standing, and he shakes his hands in the air before he motions toward Logan to get her attention. “Lo, tell him that if y’all go to Cali, we’re going with you.”
Logan laughs. “Obviously, we want you guys to come with us. That’s why we’re telling you with enough notice for you to apply to UCLA.”
“Oh,” Levi says, turning around to pick up his chair. He sits back down and tucks himself back under the table. His face has fallen. “I won’t be able to get financial aid outside of North Carolina, since that’s the system I’m in. I won’t be able to go to school.”
“My mom will pay for it, Levi,” Carson says, and Levi clenches his fist around his fork.
“Absolutely not,” Levi snaps. “I’m not letting anyone pay for my college.”