Page 71 of Love in the Dark

“I don’t have a secret man. It’s nothing worth talking about, I’m serious.” Thayer opens her mouth to say something, but I change the subject before she can say anything. “And I think that Dami really does like Indiyah. He was just an idiot in Casa.”

Thayer gives me a small grin but thankfully understands that I don’t want to talk about it and drops it. Bellamy presses play and we keep watching the end of the episode, but my thoughts are elsewhere.

Walking into the gym and being assaulted by the visual of Tristan’s naked, sweaty torso, his chest heaving from the effort rendered me deaf and mute for a moment. Thoughts of licking up his sweat, swirling my tongue around his nipples and biting his neck had overwhelmed me.

I’d wanted to drop to my knees and beg him to fuck me. But as much as I had a physical need for him, I also had some pride. I wasn’t going to be at his beck and call waiting for him to stop fighting the attraction between us.

But I’d been on the brink of giving in.

The only times I’ve felt anything other than profound detachment recently was with him. Even when I spend time with my friends, the shadows lurk not far above me, waiting to descend like they do now.

He makes me too aroused, too exhilarated, too frustrated, too angry, toodistractedto think about anything else.

“I love Tasha and Andrew,” Six says.

“Yeah, they’re cute but I’m Ekinde supremacy all the way,” Thayer replies.

“I think they’re going to win. They’re so cute,” Bellamy says, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. Those period hormones really are getting to her.

“I’ve seen the spoilers so my lips are sealed,” I tell them.

Bellamy yawns. “You guys feel free to continue without me. I’m going to rest for a bit, I’ll be back out later.”

It takes everything in me not to go to the bathroom at the same time to get rid of this popcorn. I don’t like the way it’s settled in my stomach, like a brick weighing me down.

Just go get it out, you’ll feel so much better.

I stare at the screen and try to focus on the episode. Outwardly, I’m sure I look like I’m locked in to the show. Inwardly, I’m barely catching every other word.

There’s a knock at the door that startles the three of us, effectively quieting my thoughts of self-loathing. Six, Thayer and I give each other a look as I reach for the remote and pause the show. We’re not expecting anybody.

The knock sounds again, louder this time.

“Coming,” Thayer calls out, heading towards the door.

She’s got it open barely an inch, peeking over the side to see who it is, when Rogue slams a palm on the door and shoves it open. He barges in and marches straight to Bellamy’s room without a spare glance in our direction. He opens her bedroom door like he owns the place and slams it closed so loudly, the walls rattle.

The three of us stand there frozen for a couple of seconds, Six’s glass raised comically halfway to her mouth.

Thayer looks over her shoulder at us. “What was that?”

“He must not be thrilled she broke the sleepover rule,” Six comments.

Rogue manipulated Bellamy into spending six weeks sleeping over at his place. She should have been there tonight, but she decided to stay with us instead.

“I’m desperate to listen at the door, aren’t you?” Six says, cheekily.

“That would be highly inappropriate,” Thayer replies.

“So…you’re in?”

She rolls her eyes. “Obviously.”

Six claps her hands happily. We throw back the blanket and get up but only have time to take two steps when Bellamy’s door opens again and Rogue comes out. He closes it behind him and yet again marches right past us without acknowledging our presence.

He’s out the door and gone before we can say anything.

There’s a moment of silence and then Thayer whips around and gives me a wide-eyed look. “What wasthat?”