Anson and I exchange glances as neither of us has a clue as to who would be here ruining our date. We had just moved on from one dilemma; we didn’t really need another.
Anson jumps out of the chair, a snarl erupting from his chest. For a moment, I fear his wolf may come out as he seems ready for the attack.
“I hope you are both decent, because we need you all right now!”
It’s Kindle’s voice and I’m shocked at the urgency I hear. Standing, I race toward her, but Anson stops me.
“Wait, what’s going on,” he asks, holding me next to him.
“There’s been an attack, and trust me, you definitely want to see this,” Candi says, stepping out from behind Kindle.
The knowing look Candi gives me sends goosebumps racing down my arms. This can’t be good. Sighing, I am overcome with an overwhelming sense of dread. Just when I thought I could have one calm and peaceful evening with my boyfriend, fate decided to throw me a curve ball.
Chapter 7
AnsonandIracethrough the halls as we follow behind Kindle and Candi. Ahead, I can see a large crowd forming just outside the double glass doors that lead out to the patio and courtyard. An urgent and familiar feeling settles over me like a heavy blanket as I glance around at the confused and terrified faces. Memories flood me of a time not that long ago when we were in a very similar position. Dread threatens to suffocate me as I latch onto Ansons’ hand.
Ansons’ hand intertwines with my own, giving me the support that I need to take another step forward. Headmaster Patricia’s voice rings out through the crowd and silence descends around us.
“Students, please do not worry. We will figure this all out,” she says, but I hear a familiar ring of worry in her tone.
The night feels like it’s mocking us as it shields all light with heavy clouds and dense fog. I wrap my arms around myself, trying to find warmth even though it’s humid out and I still feel chilled down to my bones.
My feet move as I somehow shove my way through the sea of people. I can hear Anson yelling my name, but his voice is muffled from the screaming in my own head.
“What is happening?” I shout, but my own voice sounds so foreign, I am unsure the sound even came from my own mouth.
The far wall of the courtyard is covered in pictures, words, and as I grow closer… a body!
Hanging from one of the iron light sconces, is the body of an older male. I recognize him as one of the maintenance workers at our school. He is an older Shifter who occasionally helps around the school when needed. I think his name was Matt.
A girl next to me screams and tears stream down her pale face. She’s one of the Fae from my magical course and she looks completely terrified to the core.
“Your name is up there,” a voice says from behind me.
I turn slightly, my body feeling as if it is moving in slow motion. My feet are cemented to the ground and I have no idea how I am ever going to move again.
Standing behind me is Kindle, and she is pointing to the wall. As I look closer, I see there are newspaper clippings, photographs, and names. In a deep, crimson red my name is written on the dark brick wall. Beneath my name is a photograph of me from the ceremony last semester and then there is a piece of paper. Kindle’s eyes dance over mine as she watches me examine the contents on the wall.
There are other names, too, many I don’t recognize.
“Why… why, is my name up there?” I stumbled out.
“Farrah, stop looking at that,” Anson yells, trying to block my view with his massive body.
“Anson, stop. I need to see this,” I argue, trying to shove him out of my way.
“Everyone, please stop,” Headmaster Patricia shouts, halting all of us.
Everyone turns to stare at her as she stands in front of the dead body. A few other professors emerge and they work to try and remove the body. I spot Professor Alken along with the three new students, who I still don’t know the names of, standing off to the side of the double doors. Their faces remain eerily calm and that sends a wave of anger roaring through me.
“We will take Matt to the infirmary and then to the morgue for an autopsy. The local Supernatural authorities will be here shortly and they will investigate this heinous crime. Until we have answers, I want all students to return to their rooms and wait for an announcement in the morning,” she shouts.
A few students begin to move, hugging onto one another as they struggle to comprehend what has happened here. I remain in place, Anson, Candi, and Kindle by my side.
Headmaster Patricia makes her way over to me and stops, her lips pursed and her eyes looking sharply at me.
“Farrah, I know this must be confusing and scary for you. I promise, we will get to the bottom of this.” Her words do little to comfort me.