Sighing, Candi tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Well, I was talking about the new professor that everyone seems to be abuzz about,” she began, grabbing my attention.

“Wait, there are three new students and a new professor?” I asked, flabbergasted by this new information.

When I had been admitted to the academy, I had been told they rarely accepted many new students. You have to be of a certain age and ancestry to come here.

“Yes,” she whispered, her voice dipping low. Students were piling into the room and I could tell that what Candi was about to tell me, she didn’t want prying ears to hear. “Apparently, the Headmaster needed to bring in a new Defense Tactics instructor for this class. After what happened last semester, she doesn’t want to take any chances.”

Her ominous words caused me to shudder. “Why isn’t this told to all students? How do you even know this?” I asked.

I believed my friend, but still, this was some heavy information and I had to be sure that it was right.

“After my um… meeting with the Gullah, my parents called the Headmaster and asked her what she would be doing to ensure our safety. I mean, you are a Halliwell and the school was being attacked. Students were being attacked. They were just worried,” she rushed out, still her voice quiet as a mouse.

“So, does she feel as though there may be another attack?” I asked, my lips trembling.

Candi opened her mouth to speak, but to my dismay, our new professor walked into the room and I was given my first introduction to the new hire that was supposed to bring us more safety and ease. Standing at a large seven foot, a man in his late forties with dark, short hair and brown eyes stomped into the room.

Everyone in the room hushed. We still had two minutes before class began, but this professor’s presence gave off the vibe that he was no nonsense. His jaw was set in a firm line as he glanced around the small classroom.

Anson walked into the room, eyeing me with a strange glance as he noticed the professor standing in the front. He found a seat behind me and patted my shoulder, but I didn’t dare turn around. The man cleared his throat just as three students walked into the room, closing the door behind them.

First, was the boy who I had seen last night at dinner. He nodded to the professor as he glided through the aisles toward the back of the classroom. The second, was a girl with long, silver hair, blood-red eyes, and skin that looked to be made of porcelain. Finally, the door creaked as another guy walked into the room, his dark skin and hair shining among the overhead lights. His footsteps were heavy and I swear, they shook the ground as he moved. All three seemed to smile at the professor as though they were all close friends.

Something about their ease with one another didn’t sit right with me, but I didn’t have time to really think it over.

“Welcome students. My name is Professor Alken, and as you are now aware, I am the new Advanced Defense Tactics instructor. I come from a large Supernatural Academy in Canada and am aware of the safety concerns plaguing this school.” He paused and his eyes traveled over to me. I wanted to shrink down in my chair and become invisible as the weight of his glare threatened to suffocate me. “The failure to keep students safe and ward off dark, evil magic has caused the Supernatural Council to bring me here. Those of you who can handle it, will learn how to defend not only yourselves, but others from the strong darkness that wants to destroy you all. This will be a fast-paced course and if you don’t think you can keep up, then I urge you to transfer to a new class. For those that believe you are strong enough, I will tempt your defenses and at times, your willpower. Unfortunately, we are in dark times and we need to rise up against all forces.”

I couldn't help but notice that Professor Alken’s eyes were solely focused on me as he spoke. I mean, I was sure that Headmaster Patricia and the other professors had filled him in on everything that had happened here and how I was both a Seer and a Fae, which as I was still learning, was rare. Though, I still didn’t like how he seemed to be so intent on watching me. There were other students here who had gone through what I had — like Lily. When I had first arrived at the academy, Lily was missing. She was Candi’s best friend and original roommate and one of the students who had been kidnapped by the Dark Magic Witch and locked away in the Cursed Forest.

“I don’t like how he’s looking at you,” Anson growled behind me.

He gripped the wooden desk and shards of splinters fell to the ground as he dug his sharp nails into the thin wood.

I didn’t dare move, even though I wanted to assure Anson everything was going to be ok… even if I didn’t believe it myself.

“Does anyone have any questions or concerns,” Professor Alken asked, his stormy eyes turning away from me as he glanced around the class.

No one dared to speak, but I swear, I heard the three new students in the back snicker amongst the silence of the rest of us. Ok, that was definitely not a good sign.


Curling up next to Anson on the over-sized plush chair, I wait for him to start the movie. We are both exhausted from the first full day of classes, but full of adrenaline at the thought of spending some much needed time together.

“I really don’t like those new kids,” Anson sighs, as he picks up the remote to start the movie.

“Yeah, I don’t either. But to be fair, at one point, I was the new kid you didn’t like, too,” I remind him.

Just thinking back to the time when Anson made me feel like scum made my heart sink deep into the shallows of my chest. It had been a very stressful time, but eventually, I learned that it was only a ruse he created to try and save me from the Curse of The Thorn Forest. Still, he found a way to accept me. Maybe that’s what we needed to do now for the new students.

“That was different,” Anson argued. “Besides, I thought you were hot, and I secretly liked you. I was just trying to be protective and brooding,” he finished with a smirk.

A giggle escaped my mouth even though I tried to roll my eyes at him. “Well, until I know more, I’m just going to keep my distance and try not to judge. Besides, I have enough to worry about right now,” I reminded him.

“Tonight isn’t about all of that. I shouldn’t have brought any of this up. Even if I think the new professor is strange, too.” He waved his hands as if dismissing the entire conversation from existence. “For tonight, it’s just about me and you.”

Warmth filled me as I settled in for the film. Being with Anson gave me safety.

The movie begins, and I almost laugh when Spiderman comes onto the screen. Anson knows that I am a huge Marvel fan. Halfway through the movie, the door to the theater room bursts open and bright light almost blinds me.