She gives me a nervous glance and warning bells ring in my mind. The warnings still wreak havoc in my mind and I hate that I am judging someone based on unwarranted warnings and dreams. I shake my head toward Candi, letting her know to drop the idea now. This isn’t the time or place to discuss our worries.

Suddenly, Anson saunters into the cafeteria and he is beaming from ear-to-ear, which knowing Anson is oddly strange. He is a welcome distraction from the new boy who is now heading toward the food line. Sitting down next to me, he takes one of my hush puppies from my plate and pops it into his mouth.

“Hey,” I tease, sliding my plate away from him.

“Sorry. I’m starving,” Anson says, smiling at me.

“Go get your dinner,” Kindle laughs, watching Anson practically drool over my dinner.

“I will. I just needed to tell Farrah something first,” Anson says, his eyes glowing. “I have a surprise for you tomorrow evening,” he says.

At first, my stomach drops as I wonder if this has anything to do with my dream or the warnings. I try not to freak out, but I’m nervous.

“A surprise?” I question, hoping my voice doesn’t show my nervousness.

Leaning in close, Anson whispers in my ear, “don’t worry, this has nothing to do with what we talked about earlier.”

I nod, relieved that he made sure to say those words so only I could hear. “Ok.”

“What’s the surprise?” Kindle asks, breaking into our conversation again.

“I have planned a movie night in the theater room. The Headmaster gave me permission,” Anson explains.

Butterflies erupt in my belly as I realize Anson planned a sweet date for us.

“Really?” I ask, surprise lacing my tone.

“Yes, I think we could use the time to reconnect after the break and something tells me you need a calm evening,” Anson says, winking at me.

“I totally agree,” I say, offering a warm smile.

I hadn’t noticed Candi still staring at the new boy until Anson edged closer to her and asked, “do you have a new love interest?” he jokes.

Huffing, Candi tears her eyes away from the new boy and looks back down at her plate of food that she has hardly touched. “No. I don’t even know who he is. Do you know anything about him?” she questions, her words sharp.

Ansons’s eyes go wide at her snapping at him, but thankfully he lets it go. “All I know is that he is new to the school. I think he is a Warlock, but I heard a rumor that he is part Vampire, too,” he says quietly.

For some reason, that news doesn’t sit right with me. I had heard stories about how Vampires had to go to a different academy for the rest of our safety.

Shrugging his shoulders, Anson takes a bite of his food. “Want me to find out about him?” he asks Candi.

“No,” she says, grabbing her plate and leaving the table in a huff.

Kindle just rolls her eyes and continues eating while scrolling through her phone.

“I think my surprise date night came at the right time. Everyone around here seems to be in weird moods. We just need a night to ourselves to reconnect and find peace while we can,” Anson says.

I completely understand the underlying message in his words. I was fired up after hearing the new information and sharing my dream with him. This could be just what I need to start my new semester and take control of my emotions.

Chapter 6

AsfarasIknew, there were only three new students this semester at Shadow Legacy Academy.

When I was a new student, I wasn’t really welcomed with open arms by most of the students. In fact, pretty much everyone seemed to have a problem with me until we all learned to work together. Now, I wondered if the three new students would be given the same hostile greeting or if life for them at the academy would be much easier.

“Farrah, are you even listening to me?” Candi asked, as we sat in the middle row of our Advanced Defense Tactics class. Since I saved the academy, Headmaster Patricia had moved me to a more advanced class. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it, but I wasn’t going to argue with her that was for sure.

Shaking my head, I felt guilt creep up on me as I looked at my friend. “Sorry. I was just thinking about something,” I said, grabbing my Chromebook and logging in for class.