Running a hand through his shaggy hair, Anson looks around the now busy cafeteria before turning back to me. “Maybe it is all one big coincidence, or maybe it means something more. We need to talk to Candi and possibly Headmaster Patricia, too.”

My stomach drops, and dread consumes me. Why couldn’t I just come back to school and enjoy a few days of peace?

“I just wish this wasn’t how I was starting the semester,” I whispered, trying to fight the tears starting to blur my vision.

I hated how I was getting so emotional. I needed to stay calm and hope for the best.

Standing, Anson grabs both of our now empty plates and I follow suit. A few students watch as we head to the exit. Anson, knowing me, was trying to get me out of the cafeteria before others saw me have a breakdown.

He led us out into the main hallway. Once away from the prying eyes of the students in the cafeteria, Anson pulled me in close.

“All I care about is that you are back here and we can be together. No matter what is going on, we will figure it out together. I’m here by your side and I’m not going anywhere,” he swore, and I truly believed him.

I had no idea how I got so lucky to have a guy like Anson in my life. He was brave, caring, and loyal.

“You have no idea how much I appreciate you,” I said, hugging him tightly around the neck. “I don’t deserve the kindness and strength you have shown me, but I am so happy to have it,” I said, though my voice was muffled.

Leaning back, Anson brushed his hand through his hair, watching me intently. His warmth and patience had been a saving grace in the days of uncertainty after my Seer and Fae powers manifested themselves. I don't know how I had managed to get so lucky and land the good guy, but I know that I wouldn't have been able to come to terms with who I really am if it hadn't been for him and his constant encouragement, support, and embrace.

Smiling down at me, he says, “Farrah, you are by far the most incredible person I’ve ever met. There is nothing that you can’t overcome, and I will be right here with you when you figure all of this out.”

I can’t describe the feeling that overcomes me when Anson talks to me like that. The truth is, I am and always will be different and filled with fear. But, when I am here, in the arms of Anson and surrounded by others like me,it makes life a little easier to handle.

“Hey, you two need to get to class before you are late on your first day back,” Stella yells, as she passes by us. Her midnight black hair glows around her face and those piercing yellow eyes reflect her amusement.

Anson and I laugh and shake our heads. Her black heels clicked against the marble floor and though her tone was harsh, the smile she offered softened her words a bit. Stella and I still weren’t friends, but we were getting there.

Anson and I walked to class, hand-in-hand. “We will get this all figured out tonight,” he says, before watching me walk into my first class of the day.

Chapter 5

“Welcomeback,students,”ProfessorHagen announces, as I slide into a seat in the back of the room.

I was relieved to find that I would be in Professor Hagen’s class again this semester. This time, my English course focuses on novels that were written by Supernatural authors. It’s crazy for me to think that famous authors we all know and love, come from the Supernatural community. I couldn’t wait to delve into those texts.

Kindle smiles as she nudges Lily who is seated beside her. I offer them a small wave as I open my Chromebook and get prepared to follow along with the syllabus and take notes. My schedule mostly consists of courses that I took last semester, but with new content and information. This allows students to build relationships with their professors and feel connected to the content more. The day is filled with the normal routines and I am happy to be back in the full swing of things again.

Once the day is over, I meet Kindle and Candi in the cafeteria for dinner. Anson had told me earlier that he would meet us there, so I made sure to save him a seat at our table.

“How were your classes?” Candi asks, as she sits across from me.

Tonight, we are eating a delicious seafood melody with every type of fish and side you can imagine. I take in the spicy aroma of my cajun blackened Talipa. Every meal here seems to be a feast and I haven’t tried anything I don’t like yet.

“I think I am going to like this semester,” I intone, stuffing a huge bite of my fish dinner in my mouth.

A hush falls over the students in the cafeteria and I can’t help but take a glance in the direction that most of the students seem to be looking.

A guy walks into the room, his large figure looming in the doorway. His black eyes take in the scene before him and his sharp features give him an edge that makes me shudder.

“Wow, who is that?” Kindle asks, licking her lips as she stares at the dark-haired stranger.

“I don’t know. He must be a new student,” Candi replies.

“I wonderwhathe is?” I question.

In a Supernatural academy, you can never really be sure what people are until you ask. We all come from different backgrounds and breeds, but our true selves are hidden behind our human forms.

“I didn’t know we had any new students this semester,” Candi says, her voice shaking.