It had only been two weeks since we had seen one another, but we had left the school after a heated moment and I was still unclear on exactly where we stood.

Hugging me again, he mumbles against my ear, “I missed you.”

My heart swelled and I swear, I worried for an instant that it would explode in my body. Anson had this strange and alluring power over me. He could cause me to go blind with rage and then swoon in the next instant.

“I missed you, too,” I sighed, hugging him back.

I had missed this.

Missed Anson.

“Is that right?” he mused, knowing all too well that he was riling me up.

Leaning back, I nodded.

A throat cleared behind us and we both looked at the source of the sound. “If you two love-birds will excuse us, we need to get to our rooms,” Candi scolded with amusement dancing in her eyes.

Before turning away, Anson leaned in so close that I could feel his warm breath against my cheek. “We need to talk about us. Soon,” he said, smiling and adding in a cute wink.

Mom turned my way and when she saw me standing close to Anson, a knowing smile appeared over her face. Thankfully, she didn’t say anything and just nodded to let me know she approved.

We walked inside the academy, and I was met with a familiar sense of home. Large ivory columns decorated with swirls of gold and crimson reached to the vaulted ceiling, I had walked under so many times before. The academy was once an old plantation, but had been renovated when the school was created. Plank floors were replaced with white marble, and the various staircases and halls were widened to allow the students and staff to walk in groups. I had a feeling magic had been used in the restoration of this place as it was ten times larger on the inside than it appeared from the outside. The high ceilings decorated with dozens of chandeliers dangled above me and I smiled, happy to be back. Moving toward the staircase, I glanced up to spot the banners that hung proudly. Each one symbolized the various Supernaturals that attended the academy. A new banner hung now with a set of wings and what appeared to be a dark cloud. It was beautiful.

“Is that new?” I asked in awe.

“That was added to represent you and the Halliwell’s,” Candi said, smiling triumphantly.

After my luggage had been taken to my room, I said my goodbyes to my mom and promised to be more considerate of calling and texting her this semester. Once Candi and I were alone in our dorm room, she took my hand and led me over to my bed. I had missed this room and the small bed was mine. I noticed that an extra bed had been added for Lara when she returned from Spring Break. Now that she was alive and safe, she was excited to be back at the academy and, of course, with Candi. We were going to be crammed together in our room, but I didn’t mind. I finally had friends.

The smile quickly faded from her face and I was growing uneasy by the cloudy storm brewing in her eyes.

“Farrah, we have a problem,” she sighed, squeezing my hand tightly.

Great, I hadn’t even been back an hour and already drama was sparking.

I had hoped my return to Shadow Legacy Academy would be uneventful, but something was telling me that wasn’t going to be the case.

Chapter 3

Stormcloudsshadowedtheworld outside our window. A heavy gust of wind rocked my window, and I felt my body growing tense with unease.

Thunder boomed across the stormy sky as large pellets of rain began to pour from the sky. The ominous energy circulating around the room just seemed to intensify the storm brewing outside.

“Wow, what a great way to start our new semester,” I intoned.

“Farrah, this is serious. I need you to stop the crabby attitude and listen to me,” Candi yelled, causing me to almost jump out of my skin.

Reaching for one of the pillows on my bed, I hugged it to me as I prepared for what she needed to say. Candi wasn’t one to gossip, so if she needed to tell me something serious, I should listen.

“Fine, I’m all ears.”

Candi seemed to glance around the room, almost as though she half expected to spot someone hiding behind my bed. Her nervousness was starting to irk me. She sucked in a deep breath before turning her intense eyes my way.

“I ended up staying in Charleston for Spring Break. My family wanted to check out the area, and we even went down to Savannah and Tybee Island,” she said, starting to get off topic.

“Candi, focus. What do you need to tell me,” I reminded her.

“Sorry,” Candi said, shaking her head. “Anyway, while we were in Charleston, my cousin and I went back to that Gullah we met last semester. She had a warning for me to give to you,” she stopped, staring blankly at me.