At that moment, I felt like my world was crashing down. When we had gone to the Gullah, it had been to gain insight into finding the potion needed to get us inside of the cursed forest. Why would Candi feel the need to go back? Unless…

“Did she have a vision?” I blurted out, my body shaking from both anger and fear.

From what I had learned, the Gullah believe in witchcraft and witches like myself, which they callwudu or juju. They say that witches can cast spells easily using the herbs and other items they provide. There are special individuals called "Root Doctor" or "Doctor Buzzard" who can also provide protection against evil witchcraft or withdraw the effects of a curse. The Gullah also believe in dangerous spirits capable of enslaving a person by controlling his will, which is what had happened last semester with the dark magic witch and the missing students. Now, realizing this Gullah had a warning for me, that sent ice daggers through my heart.

“Sort of. She said that there were dark spirits coming for the academy and they wanted you and more Supernaturals like you.” She paused, and I saw fear brighten her eyes. “I think this is serious. The Gulluh thinks maybe… maybe it could be someone here at the academy.”

For a moment, I was speechless.

I had saved the missing students.

I had proven that the Halliwell Witches were all powerful.

I had proven my worth.

Why would someone want to cause me harm?

None of this made any sense, but I also knew never to question evil or magic.

Then, something sinister dawned on me. My dream had given me a warning, a similar warning like what Candi was now talking about.

After a few moments of letting this information sink in, I finally opened my mouth to say something, “for now, let’s keep this between us. If someone in the academy may be coming after me, I don’t need others getting suspicious. We don’t want to cause a witch hunt.”

And, I didn’t want to tell Candi, or anyone else for that matter, the fear my dream now caused within me. I didn’t want to think that these warnings could be true. Maybe I didn’t want to admit it to myself. I just wanted a day or two to feel normal at school. To not have to fear that someone or something was after me.

Candi bit her lip and looked around the room, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. I could tell that she didn’t like what I was saying, but honestly, how could she argue with me?

“I will agree to keep this our secret only until something happens. The moment I feel dark emotions or feel that you are truly in danger, I will tell the headmaster and Anson,” she said, watching me carefully.

Candi could read emotions, which could possibly work in my favor here, but it could also backfire, too. If she was looking for uneasy moods, she could start blaming anyone she encounters.

Agreeing and coming to a truce, I sat back on my bed and watched the storm unfold outside of my window. For now, I would just take Candi’s words and warning as that— a warning. Until something happened, I would go about my time at the academy as usual. Let’s just hope the Gullah is wrong.

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Thenextmorning,Iwoke up bright and early.

Unlike most days of school, I was excited to start my classes. That might have had something to do with seeing Anson or possibly even gaining more insight in my magic. Either way, I tore my sheets off of me and jumped out of bed.

The sun was shining and I could see the glisten of fresh dew on the window from where it had rained all night.

My phone chimed as I dressed in my standard navy blue skirt and white shirt. Glancing down, I smiled when I saw Anson’s name appear on the screen.

Anson: Hey, want to get coffee and donuts with me?

Did he really even have to ask? Of course, I did!

Me: Sure. I will meet you in front of the cafeteria in five.

Racing out of my room, I barely had time to say goodbye to Candi and Lara before slamming the door and sprinting down the hall.

The halls are dimly lit with the sconces providing just a small amount of light. Only a few other students are milling around the halls talking in hushed voices, but they turn and give me scowls as I race past them. I took the stairs two at a time and when I finally made it to the cafeteria; I was almost out of breath. My breath hitches when I spot Anson standing just outside of the cafeteria doors.

He runs a hand through his messy, dark hair and his piercing yellow eyes cause my heart to flutter.

“Hey,” I said awkwardly, cringing at myself.