Page 21 of Curse of the Shadow

Everyone leans forward, trying to get a better look at the documents. The first few images are the same devastatingly horrific scene from before. The teenage girl lying face down in the marsh. Dead. The same one that caused me to have a vision that knocked me out cold. This time though, there are new images. Before I know what I’m doing, I reach out and grab the new images as Violet and Jax lean over and grab a few typed documents. I hear the detectives whispering to one another, but I don’t listen to what they are saying.

Staring at the image, this one reflects the scene once the body has been turned over for identification. I stare at the image of the dead girl in the water. She stares up at me with hollow eyes, darkened lips and cheeks. Her skin is blue as ice where it showed through her torn clothes.The blood against her face and body is like an imprint; a mask that covers her features. She looks both peaceful and tortured, serene yet simultaneously suffering under the brown, murky waters. My hands tremble as fear grips me like a vice.

“Do you see anything yet?” Violet asks me.

Her question startles me more than the picture. She almost sounded–nice. Shaking my head, I continue staring at the photo. “No, not yet.”

“These are new images from the scene. You gave us great insight last time, but now, we need to know if the Witch you saw in your vision is working alone.” Detective Jameson moves over to sit beside me.

“It is imperative that we learn who all went rogue and their location. We don’t want any more surprise attacks. We need to be on the offense now, not the defense,” Detective Sparks states, sliding another image next to me.

This one portrays the woodlands around the marsh. The trees in the shot grow thickly together, with little sunlight penetrating to the forest floor. The stark shadows of branches criss-cross across the frame, like they are reaching out to one another. There is an ominous feel to the image, but other than that, I don’t see anything else.

“What do you see?” both detectives ask in unison. They seem impatient which makes me grow uneasy. Are we under more danger than they are letting on?

“I see a forest,” I say sarcastically.

“Look harder,” Violet snaps. There she is, I knew the nice tone was only a ruse.

Again, my eyes sweep over the image. A tingling sensation begins to flow through my arms and legs. My heart races as my breathing hitches. As my vision begins to blur, I attempt to latch onto the table, in hopes I don’t fall again.

A blinding light spears my eyes as I am dragged into the dark, looming woods by the marsh filled with murky water. The stench of sulfur makes me gag. An unearthly chill passes through me and I can feel the darkness of this place seeping into my veins as I trudge further into its depths with dread. Voices echo around me and I spin, trying to decipher where they came from. Lost in the scene, I look down to find the girl dead in the water. The same Witch from last time stands a few feet away though this time she isn’t alone. Another woman approaches her and I crouch down into the thick, tall, weeds around the water. I watch as the women walk toward the girl's body. The Witch begins chanting, her arms extended out in front of her. The other woman, who I see now has long, blonde hair and skin so pale it’s almost translucent. Her eyes are black as coal and as she kneels down next to the body, sharp fangs glimmer against the fragments of light coming through the trees. She’s a Vampire. She bites the girl faintly, drawing blood from her neck. The Witch is still chanting as a light blue light orb begins to float around the girl. Wind picks up rapidly, and a roar drowns out their voices. I’m shocked when they both turn to look at me, hidden among the earth. Blood drips from the Vampire’s mouth while the blue orb now surrounds the Witch. I almost scream, when my body jumps and I am back in the conference room chair once again and out of the image.

“You had a vision,” Luke says, an eagerness in his tone.

I wipe a bead of sweat off my brow as I attempt to catch my breath. “Yes, there was another woman there, too. She was a Vampire,” I state breathlessly.

“Vampire?” Detective Jameson asks. “Are you sure?”

“Of course, I’m sure. I saw the fangs and watched her drink blood from the girl,” I snap.

Detective Sparks begins shifting through her files. “The autopsy report never mentioned bite marks, but that doesn’t always mean anything. The Witch easily could have healed those marks.”

Nodding, Violet reads through another document. “I remember reading in the police report that her body had lost a lot of blood. I guess it could have been drained,” she sighs.

“Look, you brought me here to use my Seer powers or whatever,” I begin, my tone harsh. “Don’t question my visions. I could be back in class learning how to use my Fae powers or other important lessons. Instead, I am here, doing your jobs, while also trying not to think about how all of this danger is because of me,” I cry out. My chest tightens and I feel like I can’t breathe.

"Keep breathing. Keep breathing. Keep breathing," I repeat to myself.

This is all too much. I hadn’t had time to process everything. It felt like my life was falling apart. Just when I learn about one new threat, another one pops up. Tears fill my eyes and I know that I’m about to break down. I need to get out of this room and just be alone. Before I can say anything else, I jump from my chair and race out of the room. I can hear the others shouting my name, but I don’t stop running until I am alone.

Chapter 15

Timeseemedtoslowas I made my way through the halls.

I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. This place is an ever-changing labyrinth of hallways, doors, and staircases. Each hall is unpredictable and can lead to unknown places, and spiraling staircases that disappear into the darkness. All I knew was that I had to get out of that room and fast. When I felt like my legs couldn’t move another inch, I slowed my steps until I finally wasn’t moving anymore. Glancing around, I realized that I wasn’t in familiar territory.

Great, now I’m lost. This place is huge with so many halls and turns, it would be easy to get turned around. Which is exactly what I did. Nervousness crept over me like a predator and I wanted to scream. Realizing I needed to find my way back to familiar territory, I began walking aimlessly. Checking my phone, I didn’t have service to call or text anyone to come find me. My footsteps echoed through the stone walls. Students were all probably still in class, so I couldn’t listen for voices to guide me back. As I walked, I took the time to think about everything that had happened. Maybe Violet and Malick were right; maybe I should just leave Shadow Legacy Academy and find safety and refuge somewhere where I wouldn’t be able to put others in danger. If these evil rogue Supernaturals wanted me, then all of my friends and those at the academy would be collateral damage in their attempts to get to me.

To my left is a large wooden door. From the fire glowing from the wall sconce, I can see that the door has a potion symbol representing the Witches. I have never seen this door before and I can’t help but reach my hand out to the silver knob in front of me. Just as my hand is placed on the cool metal, the door opens to a large room.


My name thundered down the hall, and I stopped walking, listening for the direction of the sound. Turning, I run out of the strange room.

“Hello?” I called out, my voice shrill and panicked.

“Farrah, where are you?” It was Anson’s voice I heard.