Page 22 of Curse of the Shadow

My heart skipped a beat, and I began to run toward the sound.

“I’m in the halls,” I screamed, though I knew I couldn’t offer clear directions.

I was running blindly when I ran straight into what felt like a wall. With a humph, two strong arms caught me before I could fall down.

“Are you ok?” Anson asked, his grip tight on my arms. His chest was moving rapidly as he stared down at me.

“I’m fine. I was just upset. How did you know to find me?” I asked, hugging him tightly. I hadn’t realized how badly I needed to see Anson or to be in his arms until now.

“When you became upset and left the room, Jax texted me. He said you had another vision and then everything blew up,” he stated.

As he held me, I filled him in on what happened that caused me to freak out and run away.

“They had no right to question you like that, but Farrah, you can’t just run away right now. I mean, sure the academy is secure, and the Headmaster has placed a protection ward over the school, but that doesn’t mean all threats are eliminated. Right now, you need protection all of the time. Please tell me you will be more careful,” he asked, but I could tell this wasn’t up for debate.

“I will try,” I agreed.

“Now, let’s get you back to the conference room,” Anson said, starting to walk us down the hall. “When you are finished, we need to talk toourgroup,” he added, emphasizing our.

I began walking again, this time toward the room I had found. I wasn’t ready to face the others just yet. Anson followed me, his heavy footsteps like thunder around me.

“What is this place?” I ask, standing in the open doorway.

Anson scoots around me, flipping on a light switch inside of the room. “This is an underground research facility used by powerful Sorcerers and Witches to study ancient and forbidden magics. This is where Headmaster Patricia and the other powerful Professors create and practice their magic.”

As I peer cautiously into the old room, the dim light casts eerie shadows on the walls. The air is heavy with a mixture of pungent herbs and charred wood and the scents make my nose itch. At the center of the room stands several wooden tables, their surfaces cluttered with beakers and decanters filled with murky fluids in various shades of green, purple, and black that glimmered like gems under the lights. Rows of shelves line the walls, each one crammed with dusty leather-bound tomes bearing ancient titles scrawled in curlicue letters. These were the same books used by powerful Witches who had long gone before me, and those who control this academy, and are full of secrets that no mere mortal should hold.

Anson runs his hand along the surface of one of the tables. “I came down here once when I was injured during a training session. I had been stabbed by a sword and my Shifter powers weren’t healing me quick enough. I had lost a lot of blood and Headmaster Patricia used one of her blends of potions on me. Students are not permitted to be here unless given authorization, but I won’t tell if you won’t,” he said, smirking.

The room exuded an ominous aura that sent shivers down my spine knowing it held such powerful remedies and spells. Even though I knew I shouldn’t be in here, I felt drawn to investigate further, to uncover the mysteries kept hidden within these walls. Maybe some other time I would ask to learn more about this place.

Taking my hand, Anson led me out of the room and carefully closed it behind him.

“I don’t want to go back in there. Anson, I think maybe it would be best if I left.” Anson stopped moving and spun around so that he was facing me. His eyes glowed red and his chest puffed out.

“Why would you say that? You can’t leave. You need this academy and we need you,” Anson roared, startling me.

“My presence here is putting everyone in danger. It’s killing humans and threatening to expose us all,” I cried.

Shaking his head, I watched as his shaggy dark hair fell over his eyes. “Your presence here is what saved the missing students last semester. It’s what stopped the Dark Magic Witch from continuing her deadly curse on the forest surrounding the school. And, your presence here is what made me feel alive again. "Just being around you makes me feel alive. I’ve spent so much of my life doing what others tell me,what my pack tells me to do. I follow the rules and just— exist. But when I’m with you, I feel like I am really someone."

“I’m not saying that we can’t be together, but until the rogue’s are caught, I shouldn’t be around everyone,” I argue, but even I hate the sound of my own words.

Anson stepped back, releasing me from his hold and my heart sank to the pits of my stomach. Running his hands through his hair, he huffed and paced around the hall.

“No, I won’t accept that, Farrah.” He stomped over to me, stopping when we were nose-to-nose. “You are one of the most powerful people I have ever met. I’m being selfish and I don’t care. When you were brave and joined my team to help save the school, I knew then that I loved you. That I couldn’t be away from you.” He placed his hands on my shoulders and I could feel his love and adoration from me flowing through his fingertips. “You aren’t someone who backs down. You are brave and beautiful. We will overcome this. I know it. Fate didn’t bring you here just to send you away.”

Tears stained my cheeks as emotions took over me. “I love you, too, but…”

Anson cut me, refusing to allow me to argue this any longer. “There isn’t anything else to say. You are staying here and we will protect each other and the academy.”

He was so adamant on this and as much as I dreaded the thought of going back into the room; I knew that Anson was right. I needed to trust myself and those that I love. I had fought off one attack, I can do this again — even if I am the target this time.

“Alright, let’s go back,” I say, wiping my tears away and trying to muster a brave face.

Like it or not, I’m part of Shadow Legacy Academy and this is my home and everybody here is my family. You don’t give up on those you love and you definitely don’t back down from a challenge. I just need to remember who I am and I can do anything.

Chapter 16