“Yo, Rob, come here for a minute,” Hakim called out.
“Jesus. Here we fucking go,” I grumbled, shaking my head. There was nothing like having both of them talk shit about me while I stood there.
“What’s up? Y'all two ladies kiss and makeup?” Rob asked, a grin fixed on his face.
“Yeah, yeah. Fuck you,” Hakim chided then said, “What’s your opinion on Bakari and Sanai?”
Rob’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. I shook my head and moved toward the door because fuck that shit. I refused to be trapped between them listening to bullshit.
“Nah, don’t leave now, Breeze,” Rob chuckled, putting a hand on my shoulder and halting my movement. “Let’s talk about those Cubans. I think Hakim needs in on this bet, too.”
“Both of y’all can go directly to hell,” I fussed, folding my arms.
I knew for a fact that if either one of them knew the truth, they would roast me to hell and back and then demand I buy them each a box of the most expensive Cubans.
I’d take the fact that I did kinda like Sanai to my goddamn grave.
The choir made a loud and joyful noise as I sat on stage next to my mother and Zara. Father was preaching while we all looked on with phony smiles plastered to our faces, nodding in agreement with whatever the fuck he was saying. Honestly, I didn’t know what he was talking about because I was focused on the man sitting in the side pew five rows back.
Daniel Baptiste.
Junior’s little brother and right-hand man.
He was handsome with smooth brown skin, a wide nose, and dark eyes. Junior was nearby, nodding along with whatever the hell my father was talking about. When I tuned into his sermon, I caught the tail end of him saying something about jealousy. I gave a slow, mock nod then let my eyes drift over to Daniel again.
That time, our eyes locked.
I played coy and immediately looked down at my lap where my leather-bound bible was. We silently flirted back and forth for the remainder of the sermon. I was always good at playing the shy church girl. It was the cover I was born into.
When the service was over, I stuck close to Zee while managing to sneak shy glances at Daniel. Just like I expected, he made his way through the lingering crowds of parishioners who wanted to chat with Mother and Father and came right to me.
Got his ass.
He leaned in so that only I could hear him. He got close enough for me to smell whatever cologne he wore. It was nice but it only made me think about the way Bakari smelled. Strong and clean and…
“So, do you have a minute to talk alone, Sanai?” His voice cut through my thoughts and forced my eyes to his. I offered a modest smile and dipped my head in a nod. My sister’s eyes were on me like laser beams, and I knew she had a million thoughts buzzing through her head that I’d have to hear at some point.
Mother and Father were too busy greeting people and talking to care where the hell I disappeared to and that was exactly the way I wanted it. I walked with Daniel out of the main church area where the buzz of conversation had gotten too loud. I led him to an area between where the building broke off into office space and where the fellowship hall was.
“Can I help you with something, Daniel?” He needed to know that he wasn’t the only one who could address people by their name.
“Yeah, you can.” He flashed a handsome smile that I mirrored. Psychology 101. Mirroring people made them feel at ease. It also gave a subconscious indication that you liked them. I wanted Daniel to feel it but not overtly so. From the way his brown eyes brightened, he definitely felt it. “First, I was wondering if you have a man. Second, would you like to go out for dinner later tonight?”
“I’m assuming my first answer is contingent on your second question?” I lifted an eyebrow and he chuckled, nodding.
“Well, no, I don’t have a man, and yes, I’d like to go out to dinner tonight.” I cast a glance at the floor, adding just the right amount of shy girl to the mix.
“Cool, that’s what’s up.” He stared at me for a minute then said, “You look so beautiful. I mean, I’ve seen you around plenty of times of course but I don’t know…something about today. The white dress and your pretty caramel skin…” He tucked his full bottom lip between his teeth and grunted a little. Had I not been so wrapped up in thinking about Bakari for some damn reason, I probably would have liked it. Hell, it might have even gotten me a little slick between my legs.
Not right now, though. Right now, everything that came out of my mouth was calculated and for a reason. Every eyelash flutter was to pull him in, and it was all working beautifully.
“Wow, thank you.” I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and giggled, shifting from foot to foot.
“You seem so nervous. You gotta chill. That shy girl shit does something to a nigga.” He pressed one large hand against his chest and locked eyes with me.