Page 36 of City of Gods

“It’s not something I can turn off, unfortunately. Besides, you make me nervous.” I pulled my shoulders up around my ears and nibbled on the side of my lip a little. Daniel narrowed his eyes a little.

“I make you nervous? Well, let me fix that tonight. I promise you won’t be nervous anymore.” He took my hand in his and held it for a while. “Can I ask what makes you nervous about me?” He lifted an eyebrow and watched my face for an answer.

“I’d rather not say,” I responded softly, averting my gaze.

“Aw, come on now, Sanai. You can be real with me. I don’t bite.”

“You know why, Daniel.”

“I might have an idea. What can I do to change your mind?” He seemed really genuine and I kinda hated that I was full of shit. I had to get info from him, though.

“Show up when you say you will and don’t take me out just because of who I am.” I slipped my hand from his grasp and poked his hard chest.

“Aw, come on. Don’t do me like that. You think I want to bag you because you’re a pastor’s kid?”

God, if he only knew half of who I really was. A pastor’s kid. I had to choke back my laughter. Father had enough guns in the walls of our church to light Bellmore the fuck up.

“I mean, isn’t that why you’re asking me out?” I allowed a hint of attitude to weave through my voice. I couldn’t lay on the sweet shy girl act too thick, or he wouldn’t feel like he could trust me. I only had a week to work. All I needed was for him to let me get close enough to overhear a conversation or to slip a bug somewhere in his house. For that to work, he had to trust me.

“Oh, PK got a little bite to her. I like it, though. I like it,” he responded with a smooth, deep laugh.

“God, don’t call me PK. I heard that mess all through my childhood.” I was being real that time. I hated being called a preacher’s kid or PK. It grated on my nerves so fucking bad. Daniel shrugged, letting his laughter wane.

“My bad. I didn’t know. I’ll remember that for in the future, though.”

“In the future, huh?” I folded my arms across my chest and Daniel didn’t take the bait to stare at my cleavage.

Bakari definitely would have.

You’d think that knowledge would have turned me off, but it did the opposite. Since when did I like being ogled by men?

Not all men.

Just Bakari.

I rubbed the side of my neck trying to physically brush away the deep tingling that had taken over my body at the thought of Bakari. Why the hell did he have such a hold on me?

It was the dick.

“Too presumptuous?” Daniel asked, bringing me back to the present moment.

“Very. It’s okay, though. I like it. A little bit.” I held my pointer finger and thumb close together and he smiled.

“So, can I get your number? I want to let you know what time to be ready tonight.” We stood there, exchanging numbers and talking a little more before Junior wandered out looking for his brother.

“There you are.” Junior looked at me, then at Daniel. “Y'all good out here?”

“Yeah, we’re straight. I was just wrapping up.” Daniel didn’t have the same thick Haitian accent as his older brother but it was still there especially when they spoke to each other.

“Well, wrap it up faster. We need to go meet with someone. I’ll be in the car.” Junior nodded at me and forced a polite smile before strolling out of the side door leading to the parking lot.

Daniel sighed a rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll text you tonight, Sanai.”

“Okay.” I nodded and offered him a tight-lipped smile before slipping back into the main church. I’d barely set my foot down before Zee grabbed me by the elbow and pulled me off to the side. Mother and Father had disappeared somewhere and now the church was empty. You’d never know if was just full of praise and worship.

“What the fuck was that?” Zee hissed, tucking her chin.

“I’m going on a date with Junior’s brother tonight,” I told her with a nonchalant shrug.