“When do you get off?” she asked, rubbing the back of her neck.
“Not until late tonight. I have a few meetings to go to after I wrap up with my rounds.”
She nodded quickly then the silence inched in on us again. A quick knock sounded on the closed door and I was ready to deal with Takia again. Only, it wasn’t her this time. It was Rob.
“Why the hell are you here?” he asked Sanai when he stepped through the door, closing it behind himself.
“No cameras,” Sanai and I both said in unison.
“How did you know I was here?” She folded her arms tight across her chest and waited for Rob’s answer with raised eyebrows.
“Because there’s another nurse out there talking about how Dr. Breeze is holed up with a patient in the ER when he should be doing rounds.” He shot a pointed look at me, and I took a step back from Sanai. At least that way, I couldn’t smell her spicy citrus scent. That shit was addictive. I wondered if she smelled that way between her thighs. I’d be willing to find out.
“Was the nurse’s name Takia?” I asked. I tried to scrub the way Sanai smelled from my mind, but my nose refused to give up the fresh memory.
“Yeah. How’d you know?” Rob asked, lifting his eyebrow.
“She came in here to take Sanai’s info.”
“Yeah, that bitch is sneaky. I don’t like it. I’m leaving now.” Her voice was stern and it wasn’t until then that I noticed it had been different when it was just us in the room.
“Good idea,” Rob said with a nod. “Why don’t you just come by the Temple later tonight? Breeze will be there.”
“I’m banned. Remember?” She pursed her lips and looked at Rob like he was stupid.
“And whose fault is that?” he snapped back.
“Fuck you, Rob.”
“Hey,” I said, raising my voice enough to make them settle down but not loud enough to draw attention from whoever was in the hallway. “Let’s figure this shit out later. Be available at eleven tonight.” I pulled the glass door back and looked at her incredulous face.
“Be available? Who the fuck do you think you are, Bakari?”
“You seem to say my name just fine. You know who I am.” I walked out, closing the door behind me and Rob shook his head as we headed up the hall toward the elevators. “What?” I groaned, rubbing my temples.
“You still fronting or what?”
“Fronting?” I jabbed my finger against the button, willing the elevator to come faster.
“You heard me, nigga.” His smile both pissed me the fuck off and entertained me.
“I already told you. I wouldn’t mind smashing. That’s it.”
“Yeah, okay. I saw the way you were looking at her, bro. Just let me know when to get my tux and shit ready.” He sniffed then smoothed a hand down his chest.
When the elevator finally came, I hurried my ass on and Rob hurried right the hell behind me. “For two people who weren’t going to see much of each other after she got banned, you sure as fuck seem to keep bumping into her.”
“You like annoying the shit out of me at work?” I asked.
“Of course I do. You’re like my brother. It’s my pleasure.” The elevator paused and Maasai got on. His stern gaze swept from me to Rob, who all of a sudden was quiet as a mouse.
“What’s good, fellas?” he asked, pressing a button on the panel.
“I had to rescue Breeze,” Rob told him, aiming his thumb in my direction.
“Rescue me? Man, go ‘head with that shit.”
“Rescue you from what?” Maasai asked, turning to look over his shoulder. “Or do I even want to know?”