“There’s nothing to know.” I shot Rob a glare and he grinned at me.
“You’re lying, Bakari, but whatever. Be on time tonight at the Temple.” When Maasai’s floor came up, he stepped off and didn’t even say goodbye. That was my brother, though. Always about his business. Even though lately, it seemed like his head was somewhere else entirely.
Rob and I rode up to the fourth floor where I finished my rounds for the day like I’d intended to do before Sanai barged into the ER demanding to see me.
Figuring out where Sanai lived wasn’t hard. It was easy enough to figure out where she’d be and when she’d get home, too. The Sinclair family made their whereabouts very public. It was what they did behind the scenes that they hid. They stuck to the hidden-in-plain-sight way of operating and it had worked for them, so who was I to judge? I had no idea how the fuck assassin families worked.
I pulled into her driveway and walked up to the door, poised to knock. I didn’t get the chance to before the door swung open, leaving my fist paused in mid-air. Sanai stood in front of me freshly showered with long hair dripping wet in zig zags and tight coils. Her golden skin was glowing and her body…Jesus.
The tank top and bike shorts she wore were damp like she’d pulled them on over wet, oily skin. The way her chest heaved let me know she’d rushed to the door in a hurry. I couldn’t find my words for a minute because….goddamn. Shorty was bad as fuck.
“What the fuck are you doing at my house, Bakari?” she hissed then grabbed my wrist, yanking me in while my mouth hung open. I took a minute to get my shit together because I couldn’t be at her house to talk business drooling over her the way I was.
Did she even notice?
“My bad,” I chuckled. “I told you to be available at eleven, so I thought we were clear.”
“I thought you were going to text me or something. Not show up to my house at eleven on the dot. Oh my god.” She pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head.
“Look, I know you get paranoid being a killer with a church girl front and shit but nobody’s worried about why my car is in your driveway.” I pointed to her scrubbed clean face and said, “I see it all over your face.” Even seeing her without any makeup and her hair not straightened, I still thought she was bad. I took in her naturally long lashes and thick, sculpted eyebrows. The faint, scattered blemishes on her cheeks and the tiny moles dotting her jawline and neck.
“Well, I’m glad you can read my expression.” She rolled her eyes.
“I figure anyone that could be following you would just think we’re fucking around.” I shrugged and walked deeper into her house, looking at the art on the walls and the family pictures interspersed throughout.
“Um, excuse me. I didn’t invite you in,” she said to my back, snapping her fingers. I ignored her because I wasn’t a puppy that needed training. She could miss me with the bossy shit.
“Youyankedme in. You’re right.” I paused in my stride and turned to face her.
“That’s because I didn’t want anyone seeing some stranger nigga lingering at my doorstep at eleven at night. Don’t flatter yourself, Bakari.”
“If I don’t, who else will?” I winked at her and she growled, balling her fists up at her side.
“You’re always so fucking angry, Sanai. What’s your problem?” I closed the space between us, mainly because I was hungry for that spiced citrus smell that only she possessed. It was just like her.
Spicy, familiar, sweet, acidic.
“Let me guess, it’s been a minute since a real nigga swallowed that pussy whole.” Even the thought of her pussy in my mouth had my dick straining to be unleashed. Sanai blinked at me. Her mouth dropped open but for once, no words came out. “So, I’m right.”
“I’m not focused on fucking everything walking like you.” She pushed her pointer finger against my chest and I laughed.
“I ain’t say you had to fuck anyone. I’m just saying…sometimes…” I reached out and tugged on a bouncy, wet curl. “It’s nice to blow off some steam and get your pussy sucked on.”
“Oh my god, Bakari. You’re not over here for any of that shit. We’re talking about Junior, right?” She pinned me, staring up at me with those gorgeous mocha-brown eyes.
“Right. I just want you to relax.” I did myself a favor by stepping away from her because she was too sexy for me to trust myself. How I’d ended up wanting to taste her when I thought she was a snake was beyond me.
She’d started to show me glimpses of her human side, but she was still a Sinclair.
“Okay, well, talking about eating me out isn’t relaxing.” She rolled her shoulders and then walked into the living room with me behind her.
“You sure?” She sucked her teeth and turned to look at me, a glare plastered all over her face. “I was just offering.”
“Anyway, have a seat.” I slipped out of my coat and draped it over the back of the oversized couch. She thought I didn’t see it, but she bit the side of her lip when she thought I wasn’t looking.
So she was feeling a nigga.