Page 11 of City of Gods

“You sure about that? You couldn’t even kill Baptiste. I doubt you can hit me even at close range like this.”

“Fuck you, asshole.”

“I told you…later.” I winked at her and she rolled her eyes. “Whatever you want to talk to me about, you can do it at the Temple tomorrow. I’ll be back on duty.”

“You know fucking well I can’t come to the Temple.” Her nostrils flared out while her coffee-brown eyes blazed fire.

“Oh…shit. That’s right. You’re banned.”

“Trust me, I wouldn’t try to get in your car if I didn’t need to talk to your stupid ass. Sitting beside you isn’t my lifelong dream.”

“You sure about that, sweetheart? I have heated seats and you look cold.”

“I have heated seats in my fucking Mustang, too.”

I stared at her pretty face for a few beats, noting her cat-like eyes and bold nose. Her face reminded me of warrior tribes in Africa composed of only women. Fierce and strong. The sun loved the soft golden color of her skin, making it glow underneath its rays.

“Get in,” I told her, unlocking the doors. She climbed in and rolled her eyes at me. Attitude oozed from her pores and it only made me want to fuck with her even more.

“Can you meet me somewhere?” she asked. The hushed tone of her voice made me glance around my own damn car.

“Why are you whispering?” I quizzed.

“Junior has cameras and recording devices all over his property. Sometimes, there are even drones that make rounds, taking pictures. She leaned forward and looked out of the windshield before sitting back. “I didn’t want to just ask you to meet me somewhere while I was standing outside your car. It would draw suspicions.”

“And getting in my car doesn’t?” I chuckled.

“Not really. You’re a man-whore. It’s not outside the realm of possibility for you to try and shoot your shot. I mean…look at me.” She smoothed her long hair and tossed me a sultry stare.

“Your head is kinda big,” I shrugged, causing her to flip me off. “If you want me to meet you anywhere, you need to tell me what the fuck this is about, Sanai. I have other things to do.”

“Fuck your other things to do. I want to know why you showed up at Junior’s house when me and my parents were there. I don’t want to discuss it in the man’s driveway, though. I’d also like to be gone by the time my parents leave. I excused myself early. Said I had something to take care of.”

“You did that just to catch up with me? I’m flattered.” I smiled at her but she didn’t return the gesture. “Fine. Meet me at the Book Nook.” She didn’t say another word. She got out and hopped in her Mustang then peeled out. I did the same.

We met up at a book store called the Book Nook on the west side. I took her coat because it was the gentlemanly thing to do, but also because I wanted to see that ass. Even though the dress she had on wasn’t skin-tight, it hugged her slender curves and she could never hide the perfect ass she was toting.

“Stop drooling and give me my fucking coat.” She snatched it from my hands and I grinned.

“Pastor Sinclair wouldn’t want to hear his baby girl cursing like that,” I told her, leaning down to speak into her ear. She sucked in a breath and then pulled away from me, aiming her cat-eyed glare right at my head.

“You know I don’t like you mentioning my family so cut that shit out.”

“I don’t remember giving a fuck what you like.” She took stiff steps toward the back of the cozy store where there was a pair of armchairs with a small table between them. She sat first, crossing her legs and draping her coat over her thighs.

“What do you want, Sanai?” I asked, checking my watch.

“Nigga, please stop acting like I’m wasting your time. You know damn well this is the highlight of your entire day.”

“Nah. If that’s what you need to tell yourself, then go head though.” I unbuttoned my pea coat and her eyes flitted over my chest then settled on my eyes.

“Junior doesn’t know I was the one who shot him,” she mentioned, cutting right to the heart of the matter. If there was anything I liked about her, it was the way she refused to beat around the bush. I still couldn’t trust her, though.

“Yeah, sweetheart, that’s a given. If he knew, you’d be full of holes and even I couldn’t save you.”

Sanai’s top lip curled in response to my words, but it was the truth. She could feel however she wanted about it.

“You’re not a God, you know that right?” she asked me.