“Nah, nobody informed me. The way me and my brothers run Bellmore, I’d say not only am I a God amongst men, so are they.”
“I really fucking hate you,” she tipped her head back, tossing her laugh at the ceiling.
“Okay. Start a fan club with the rest of the motherfuckers that hate me.”
“Anyway, Bakari,” she wielded my name like a blade. “Don’t come around Junior or his men looking for confirmation about what I told you.”
“Why the fuck not? You can’t come up in the Temple talking the shit you were talking and expect us not to try to verify it.”
“You and your brothers need to steer clear and let us handle it.” Her tight words scraped against my patience.
“Nah. That’s not how shit works around here, Sanai. You tell us someone is coming for our livelihood and the service we bring to Bellmore, we’re going to check on it. I don’t give a fuck what you and your family do. I keep telling you, we don’t follow y'all niggas. Snake-ass Sinclairs.” Sanai pushed to her feet, the angry energy pouring off her in waves. A vein that I hadn’t noticed before snaked up the side of her neck as she slid stiff arms into her coat.
“We’re done. You want to keep sniffing around before the mission is done? Go ahead. Get your dumb ass killed. I don’t even know why I care.”
“I don’t know why you care either.” I stood up, too, and buttoned my coat again. “And it’s looking a lot like you’re a fucking liar. Nobody has done a goddamn thing to the Temple. Nobody came to see us. Nothing. It’s been quiet and normal as fuck.”
“You think he’s going to run up in there, guns blazing right now? He almost got killed last week. The job would have been done if…”
“If you were a better shot.” I ran my tongue over my teeth and soaked up the pissed-off look blazing through Sanai’s eyes. She balled up her fist and slammed it into my chest, making me take a step backward, almost touching the wall behind me. I smoothed a hand over my chin and chuckled.
The same intense flash that ripped through me that night at the Temple took hold of me again and I pinned Sanai against a tall, heavy bookcase. This time the heels of my hands pressed into her shoulders, fixing her to her spot. I looked around, making sure we were alone, and then I leaned down and spoke in a low, growling tone that made her eyes narrow.
“You’re going to stop putting your goddamn hands on me…”
“Or what?” she spat back. She bucked against my hold, but she couldn’t break free. “What the fuck is your non-violent ass going to do, Bakari? Hmm? Turn the other cheek? Scold me?” The next thing I felt was blinding pain ripping through my shin. I let her go and she straightened her coat with a smile.
I bit out several curse words while I rubbed the throbbing spot on my leg. I couldn’t believe that little motherfucker kicked me. I’d never felt anger flicker to life so fast in my body. Before I could think straight, I was a roiling pot of disbelief and rage.
I reached out and grabbed her hair in my fist. Long strands slipped through my fingers and fell down my arm like ribbons. I yanked her back, causing her to slam against me with a thud.
“Get the fuck off of me,” she grumbled.
“I don’t know what it is about you that pisses me off so bad and takes me out of character, but I’m already over it. Keep your ass away from me. Understand?” I let her go with a little shove and she glared at me when she turned around.
“My fucking pleasure.” I watched as she straightened her coat and fluffed her long hair around her shoulders then I left. I couldn’t stand there another second because my dick was so fucking hard, I couldn’t think straight.
I hated her.
She was a manipulative, violent, liar and the longer I was around her, the more I felt myself turning violent. The more looking at her turned me on. I couldn’t have that shit. I was all for fucking women and bouncing when things started getting too deep. I didn’t want to fuck Sanai, though. Everything about her pissed me off.
I tried to tell my dick that once I was in the car but he wouldn’t listen. He liked the way she felt pressed against me in the bookstore. He liked the way she smelled and the way she wore the fuck out of the camel-colored coat she had on.
When I took off driving, I didn’t have anywhere in particular to go but somehow, I ended up at Rob’s house, sitting on his couch, bitching about Sanai.
“So…you fucking with her is what I hear,” he said, handing me a beer.
“Nah. I’m not. I don’t fuck with her at all. I want her to stay on the fucking east side where her and her lying ass family belong.” I took a long drink and Rob looked at me with an amused smirk on his face. “What the hell is so funny?” I snapped, setting the bottle down on the coffee table.
“You. You have this weird ass love-hate thing going on with Sanai Sinclair, of all people. I should have known you were into her after that Christmas party last year.”
“I’m not into her. Did you hear anything I fucking said?” A frown creased my face.
“Oh, I heard everything, nigga. You’re feeling her. I’ll bet you a whole box of Cubans that you end up fucking her and falling for her.” He took a drink from his beer and looked at me with even more amusement dancing in his eyes than before.
“Fuck that. She needs to stay away from me. Junior and his men aren’t trying to take down the Temple. She’s just pissed because she ain’t live up to her family’s high-ass murderous standards.”
“That might be true,” he admitted with a half-shrug. “Still don’t change the fact that you want to fuck her.”