Page 34 of Legion of Kings

“Did you name shame him, Juju? Your name is Jupiter, for fuck’s sake,” Jay sighed.

“I know, I know. We can’t all be perfect like me,” I smiled and gave a Miss America wave. Jay looked at me with puppy dog eyes and fluttering lashes and I caved. “Ugh, okay. I’ll go. I’m not fucking him and I’m not pretending to be nice,” I warned.

“Okay, fine whatever. Let me call Shaheed.” She made an excited squeal on the way to her room. I followed behind her, licking at the ice cream cone I made myself. I could literally eat ice cream in the middle of winter. Don’t judge me.

“What’s his brother’s name?” I asked while Jay scrolled through her contacts.

“Jamil,” she answered quickly then pressed her pointer finger to her lips while she held the phone to her ear. “Hey, Shaheed, so…we’re on for lunch. My sister said she’s down. Yeah, she’s sure. You can bring Jamil.” I sat beside her on the bed and she inched away from me. Rightfully so because she had no idea what would come out of my mouth. “Oh, yeah I like that idea. Right, okay then. I’ll see you in an hour.” She ended the call and let another happy noise out. I rolled my eyes in response as I finished my ice cream cone.

“What’s this idea you like so much?” I asked her.

“Shaheed suggested we sit at different tables so Jamil can get to know you.”

“Ugh, I must love you because this already sounds like a pain in my ass,” I protested.

“Please, Ju. Don’t back out. It’s free lunch.”

“Okay, where are we going?” If I was going to be dragged into a blind double date, I damn sure hoped I was eating right.

“Salazar. They have amazing Mexican food.”

“I do love Mexican food,” I said with a sigh. “Okay, I’m not going to back out. Let me go get cute.”

I did my makeup and flat-ironed my hair in long straight pieces that hit my waist. The dress I put on hugged every tight curve I had and showed off my tattoos. I wanted whoever this man was to drool over what he couldn’t have. I slipped my feet into a pair of blush, YSL heels and sprayed my throat with perfume.

“Damn, Ju. You are serving body, girl!” Jay snapped at me and I posed, hitting my angles. She looked good too. Jay had on a green sundress that tied behind her neck, and skimmed over her hour-glass figure, sweeping her ankles.

“We look good, Jay. Like…it’s a fucking problem.” I held out my pinkie and she locked hers with mine. “Let’s go make these boys drool, bitch.” I snapped my fingers and headed outside.

I swear, I would have had a better lunch date if I was by myself. I could hear Jay cracking up laughing with her date, Shaheed. Meanwhile, I was stuck with Jamil who was more interested in his phone than getting to know me or at least having small talk to pass the time.

“You’re really fucking rude,” I said for the hundredth time.

“I’m so sorry. I just gotta take care of a few more things and I’ll be all yours.” He’d been saying that shit for the past twenty minutes and I was close to walking out. Jay’s little date would just have to be mad.

When I got up to go to the bathroom, Jay followed me, a nervous look in her eyes.

“You hate him, don’t you?” She asked, letting her shoulders drop. I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and adjusted my breasts, admiring how cute they looked in my dress.

“I loathe him,” I said, fixing my hair and moving it behind my shoulder.

“I had no idea he was going to be such an asshole. Shaheed said he just moved to LA and he wanted to introduce him to people because he has a hard time making connections.”

“I wonder why,” I laughed, looking at Jay in the mirror. “Listen, I want you and Yara Shahidi to have a great time. I can’t do the brother though.”

“Jupiter Gray! Stop being a bitch about his name.” She still laughed though.

“What? It rubs me the wrong way for no reason. I like Jamil’s name. I don’t like Shaheed. I also hate the name Bob.”

“Something is wrong with you,” she huffed.

“Maybe. Look, I’m going to leave. I wanted to hit Nordstrom…”

“Please don’t leave. Just twenty more minutes,” she begged, clasping my hands in hers. It was so unfair. She knew she was my soft spot. My only fucking soft spot.

After a staredown to end all stare downs, I went back to the table with Jamil. He barely looked up from texting on his phone. “Wow, are you still a virgin because I know no woman in her right mind has ever fucked you. You seem way too into your phone to be into pussy.”