Page 33 of Legion of Kings

I didn’t play nice. I pistol-whipped, I used brass knuckles, I picked up bricks if necessary. If someone ended up in the hospital…oh fucking well. Learn to follow orders next time. Three disciplines in a year meant you were a dead man walking. Only the four kings knew that part though.

“You fucking serious?” Sumo asked, swallowing nerves.

“I’m dead motherfucking serious.” I walked up on him and he stood, towering over me. I didn’t flinch. “You must have forgotten who owns the kings. Who runs this shit and who has run this shit since day one!” My voice boomed and crackled through the air.

“I didn’t forget, King…man calm down,” Sumo’s energy was on a different level once he realized he’d pissed me off beyond the point of return. It didn’t matter.

Anger swallowed me whole and when that happened the only way out was for me to fight the demons plaguing me. Sumo was my demon right then and I was ready to square the fuck up.

Pretty Boy and Truck started moving the pool table out of the way, clearing the floor space for me and Sumo’s big ass to throw hands. I was never intimidated by Sumo’s size like most people. I saw it as a challenge. If I could bring him down, I could fight any other giant and win.

“I’m not fighting you, King,” Now Sumo was quiet and docile but I wasn’t. I wanted to set fire to the world.

“You’re not going to fight me?” I shouted, reaching for the drawer on the front of the coffee table.

“Yo, chill, King,” Pretty Boy begged. He knew we kept guns in the coffee table drawer. He also knew that once my anger was free, it was a bitch getting it back in the cage.

“It’s not that deep, King. My bad!” Sumo called out once the gun was in my hand and the safety was off.

“It is that fucking deep, motherfucker!” Rage spilled from my pores. Black and sticky, attaching itself to everything in my sight. Sumo was number one on my shit list.

“Kneel!” I boomed, my nostrils flaring and my eyes wild.

“Are you fucking kidding me…” Sumo scoffed and I brought my pistol across his jaw. The solid thwack silenced the room. Sumo grabbed his face then pulled his hand away to check for blood. There was plenty to be found. It smeared across his cheek, grazing the corner of his mouth.

“What the fuck, King?” Sumo frowned then lunged at me, coming for my throat. I hit him again because I already knew his fighting style. I knew what to avoid. The second crack from my gun knocked Sumo to his knees. I wasn’t pulling my punches for shit.

“I said, kneel, Albert.” Whenever one of the kings got disciplined, it added insult to injury using their government names. We held nicknames in high regard in our gang. We got to choose our nicknames so we didn’t have to be tethered to the names our parents gave us. We didn’t have to go through life hearing what they chose when they couldn’t even choose to keep us and raise us. I didn’t use a nickname because I liked being called King. I knew who and what I was. Naming me King was probably the only thing my parents ever got right.

Sumo looked up at me, anger and pain in his eyes as he held his bleeding face. “I’m sorry,” he said, speaking around a swollen face.

I let the gun clatter to the floor and I saw Truck and Pretty Boy take a deep sigh of relief. It wasn’t over though. I drove my fist into his face over and over. Sumo instinctively fought back but I was too amped up. Blood galloped through my veins fueling my fury.

“King, chill out. Let him go!” Pretty Boy pulled at my arm, trying to pry me off Sumo. He was on the ground and I couldn’t stop driving my foot into his ribs. “He’s out, man. Stop. He’s out.” Pretty Boy pointed out that Sumo was knocked out cold and shoved me back a few paces. I wiped the sweat from my brow and looked down at my brother on the floor, bleeding and curled in a fetal ball. Still, anger coursed through me.

“He needs stitches. You busted his shit,” Truck said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Fuck him. Maybe getting stitches will make his stupid ass think before he keeps going against my decisions. Maybe it’ll make him think twice before he opens his mouth to disrespect one of his brothers.”

…or Jupiter.

I silenced what I wanted to say and stormed to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I needed to shower and get the fuck out of the apartment to clear my head.



“I’m just saying, you haven’t been on a date in forever so…please.” Jay clasped her hands under her chin and pled with pretty hazel-green eyes. She’d been trying to convince me all day to spend my day off on a double date with her, a doctor she had a crush on, and his brother. I wanted no parts of it because I was still buzzing from fucking King last night. The last thing on my mind was a blind double-date with my sister.

The way King threw his dick around, I was still sore. It was the most blissful kind of sore though.

“I told you, I just had a one-night stand last night. You really think I want to go out on a date? That man broke my fucking back in three places.” I said, gesturing to my obviously broken back.

“I never said you had to fuck Shaheed’s brother, just go out with him.”

“Ew, his name is Shaheed?” My nose crinkled.