It is about time for the roller coaster. Ye get on it, and it is an e8hilarating and intense e8perience for me, but Octavia is having the time of her life. ;he reminds me of Bouis when we were little. Ee was the carefree and daring one, just like Octavia.


I wish I could be free like her, even for just a day, but I can't, especially knowing that I'll have to leave them soon.

I guess spending the day with Octavia will allow me to live in the peace and joy of the moment just for today.

"fter the roller coaster, we walked to another park section with a claw machine. Xhere is this giant teddy bear that everyone is trying to win- it also catches Octavia's attention. ;he decided to drag me toward the activity. "fter e8hausting about 7, I won the teddy bear.

;he is so proud, and her face lights up.

?Xhank you, Nick,? ;he says, hugging me. ?Fou're the best.?

1y heart melts.

Damn it! This man didn't have to do this to me. I am happy here!

Ye walk to the car to drop ox the teddy bear and go in for one last ride.

?Uumper carsP? Octavia screams as she reali9es where we are. ;he is so e8cited.

?"re you that e8cited to ride the bumper carsH? I ask, clearly amused by her joy.

?Fes, you and 1ommy drive real cars. I drive bumper cars,? she states.

I chuckle at her innocent joy.

?Bet's goP? I say, holding her hands and swinging front and back. Ye spent so much time riding I didn't reali9e our time had run out.

?Ye have to go now. I need to drop you back home and take care of something,? I say to Octavia.

?Uut 1ommy won't be home yet,? she says.

?Feah, I know. I'll call the sitter,? I tell her.

?Uut I want you to stay,? she begins to whine.

No! Not now!

?I'll be back,? I lie.

?OkayP? she says, e8citedly taking my hand into hers as we return to the car.

On our way home, we stopped to get ice cream and a pi99a for Isabel as a consolation for not going to the amusement park with us. "t the ice cream stop, I removed my bracelet from my wrist, the bracelet my brother got me when I got to the police academy. I've never taken it ox, but I think Octavia will cherish it.

?Octavia, I have something special to give you,? I say, trying to smile. Eer bright eyes shine so brightly.

?"nother teddy bearH? she asks curiously.

?No, darling, it's my favorite piece of jewelry in the whole wide world,? I remove it from my wrist and stretch out her hand. ?Yhenever you're scared or miss me, just remember you have a piece of me with you, okayH? I say as I slip the band on her wrist and adjust it to St.

I hug her.

?If you miss me, don't make yourself sick anymore, okayH I am always with you. I love you so much.?

;he hugs me, but she is just so fascinated by the bracelet that I doubt she heard anything I had to say.

I lift my head, and the attendant beckons us to pick up our order. Xhe ride home is —uiet- she is confused about why I was saying such bi9arre things and giving her my bracelet.