I need to act fast.
How long has he known them?
I bet he has all the information he needs on them by now.
I bang my Sst on the table.
I look up to see …onny and "dams staring at me with concern.
?Yhat's the matterH? "dams asks. 4Is it about the gangH?
?Nah,? I try to play it cool, hoping my voice doesn't betray me. ?I forgot to do something,? I lie.
Xhey don't look convinced, but they carry on with what they are doing.
I can't believe I'm about to end the beautiful life I started here and return to the shadows of my father.
Why won't this man just let me be?
I sigh, frustrated, as I run my hand through my hair.
I type out my resignation letter on the desktop before me, but I don't send it. I'll wait till I'm out of the building, possibly when I'm about to board the plane back to R.C. I pack my personal belongings$ a picture of Isabel and me, a mug for coxee, and my journal. It is easy to move them out of the station without suspicion. 5ust before I leave,
there is one more letter I have to write.
My dearest Isabel,
Wained and angered, I drive back to Isabel's to pick up Octavia. I will spend a longer time with her than I had intended. I get to the house to see Isabel, ready to head out. ;he has been waiting for me to pick up Octavia.
I try to mask my emotions, knowing this might be the last time I see Isabel. I go in for a hug. I Sght so hard not to let tears fall from my eyes.
?"re you okayH? Isabel asks after pulling away from the hug.
?Feah, sure,? I say casually with a smile.
Ye bid each other goodbye, and I helped Octavia into the car.
"s we start our journey, Octavia starts chatting about what she'd like to do today, like going to the park, having plenty of chocolates and candy, and going on the roller coaster. I try hard to light up and be in a good mood for her sake.
"s we get to the mini amusement park towards the outskirts of town, Octavia is ready to jump out of the car.
?Foung lady, hold still- I'm coming to open the door for you,? I instruct.
I get out of the car and cycle to the passenger's side to get the door for Octavia. I unfasten the belt, and she eagerly jumps into my arms.
I'm going to miss her so much.
Ye walk to the park entrance, and I pay for tickets for the roller coaster. Ye have about Sfteen minutes before the ride starts, so OcA tavia drags me to the candy Toss stand. I get two sticks, which she Snishes in record time.
Here comes the sugar rush.