I thought it was a good pairing, given that he had a.most as remarkab.e
a record as mineA Rut after a few months in the le.d, I noticed that
we did not share the same core va.uesH we were very diLerent in our
approachesA Me is reck.ess and ca.m, which doesn't work we.. with meA
I suspect he is invo.ved in some shady business, but I have not had
the chance to uncover whatever he is intoA De -ust don–t get a.ongA
Rasica..y, I'm .eft to .ead operations a.. by myse.fA I've reported this to
the precinct severa. times, but nothing has been doneA
Yaybe as a gesture of appreciation, the captain wants to grant my
re3uest this one timeA
I smi.e wide.y, thinking about itA Mopefu..y, I get a more competent
partner this timeA De wi.. be ab.e to accomp.ish so much togetherA Et that moment, Fe.ij wa.ks in, sa.utes the captain, and ignores my
presenceA She captain does the same thingH he gestures to Fe.ij to sit
beside meA
:” Mx1xN R10Yx
PNow that you're both here, I can speak of the new deve.opmentAP Me .ooks at us to see if we are fo..owingA I nod my head in response, and Fe.ij does the sameA
PShere is a situation on the ground that has to be investigated,P the captain saysA
Oh great! Another case.
It must be my birthday.
P0nfortunate.y for you, Nicko.ai, you are very invo.ved,P he .ooks at me as he speaksA
PI'm not fo..owing, sir,P I state, confusedA I turn to Fe.ijH his attenW tion is on the captain, but his smirk is on his faceA PInvo.ved as in how2P I 3uestionA
She captain drops a document fo.der from his desk before meA P;evera. bags of cocaine and other i..icit drugs from your previous case are missing from the evidence .ockerA It has been brought to my attention that you might have a hand in it, and unti. you are proven innocent, I don't think you shou.d be the one receiving the award todayAP
What the fuck is happening?
I open the fo.der, trying to understand the bomb the captain -ust dropped on meA
PI don't understand anything you're saying, sirA Shis doesn–t make senseAP I am seconds from .osing my mindA
Calm down, Nick. Calm down!
PDhy wou.d I be invo.ved in the theft of evidence2 It makes no senseA Xou know me, CaptainA I've been in this precinct for seven yearsH my name is untaintedA Dhy wou.d I wake up one day and decide to stea.2 ;omeone is trying to set me upAP I stand to my feet in rageA PShis has to be a -oke?P I sound pissed and frustrated, which is lne because I FESxT DISM YX xB'; R9OSMx9 :
amA I .ook to Fe.ij, but he seems unwaveringA Me doesn't even attempt to defend meA
PTetective x.wood? Ca.. yourse.f to order at once?P She captain commandsA I immediate.y fa.. back to the chairA