Who would have thought?
From day one on the force, I've known that I wanted to have a positive impact, and here I am, about to receive the most signilcant recognition of my .ifeA It fee.s very surrea.A
On specia. days .ike this, I have to wear my C.ass E, our dress uniformA Es much as I despise having to wear it, I am de.ighted to wear it todayA
I .ook into the mirror of the .ocker room in the precinctA xverything is perfect, and I smi.e at myse.fA I can't begin to ejp.ain the tremendous
-oy I fee. right nowA It is a proud day for meA I am set to receive the highest award a detective can receiveA I sing.eWhanded.y took down the biggest drug dea.er in the state, a.ong with many other carte. connectionsA It is safe to say that the streets of Dashington, TACA, wi.. see signilcant.y fewer drugs in the coming weeksA I am honored to receive the specia. recognition award from the mayor himse.fA Shis award means so much to me, not -ust because it earns me a spot at the topA ;ti.., it a.so shows my father that I can be successfu. without being a part of the fami.y's businessA
Ebout sij years ago, I .ost my o.der brother in a car accident on his way to the airportA She pain is sti.. raw because he was the on.y fami.y member I cou.d conlde inA De never rea..y knew our motherH we .ost FESxT DISM YX xB'; R9OSMx9 G
her a few months after my birthA Father never ta.ked about her or how she died, and we knew we.. enough not to askA
Our father is a tyrant who ru.ed our .ives with lrm iron handsA De were scared of him, p.ain and simp.eA Yy brother was on.y two years o.der but very protective of meA Me defended me in my father's presenceA ’rowing up in my father–s house was he..A De had to be these perfect sons to himA De weren–t a..owed to be kids and en-oy the freedom that came with itA It was so bad that .aughing or even smi.ing was considered a crime in the houseA Eccording to him, we were .ions and we shou.d act according.yA Eny mistake whatsoever, we were doomedA Imagine our -oy when he had to go on business trips, and we were .eft a.one with the nannyA She who.e house wou.d re-oiceA De were terriled of him, staL inc.udedA I can–t even begin to imagine how hard it was for my o.der brotherA Me a.ways took the fa.. and wou.d be punished severe.yA
I remember te..ing Father I wanted to take the po.ice ejam, comW p.ete the academy, and -oin the TACA po.ice forceA Me went a.. lre and brimstone on meA Es a young man in my ear.y twenties, I was scared and cou.dn't articu.ate my words correct.yA On the other hand, my father articu.ated a.. kinds of words U hurtfu. words, ca..ed me an ingrate, then threatened me about taking the ejamA Me assured me that he wou.d make it impossib.e for me to pass no matter how many times I took itA I a.most gave up hope of pursuing a career in protecting .ivesA Shat was unti. my brother stepped up and defended meA Me sacrilced himse.f to our father's business so I cou.d pursue my own dreams of being a copA Now that he is gone, my father wants me to take over the fami.y business, but I want nothing to do with thatA Not on.y that, I a.so promised my brother I wou.d not give up on my dreams to favor my father's se.lsh demandsA
:" Mx1xN R10Yx
Mow I've missed himA I wish he were here to see me receive this awardA I know one thing for sure! he is he..a proud of meA
She night before he died, he ca..ed meA Me sounded much happier than usua.A Me said a .ot of things that nightA Me to.d me he met someone and was conldent he wou.d spend the rest of his .ife with herA I be.ieved him because my brother had never spoken about any woman to meA Me ta.ked about her for a whi.e and to.d me I wou.d .ike herA I .ooked forward to meeting her, but it never happenedA She most important thing he mentioned was that he had found a way for us to be free from our father's tyrannyA Me didn't give me detai.sH he said we wou.d discuss it in personA 0nfortunate.y, that didn't happen eitherA I wish our conversation cou.d have been more ejtendedA If I had known that was the .ast time I wou.d hear his voice, I–d have cherished it moreA Shere are so many things I never got to te.. himA I never got to thank him for standing up for me, and I never got to te.. him I .oved him, and he was the best brother anyone cou.d have asked forA ;ince his death, I haven–t been the sameA E huge part of me is gone for .ifeA Shat's why I bury myse.f in work, to appreciate his sacrilce and to make him proudA
P’reat? Tetective x.wood, you're hereA Captain wants you in his oqce E;Ez,P the precinct secretary, Tiane, says in her usua. sassy voice, bringing me back to rea.ityA
PIs the program about to start2 Is the mayor around2P I 3uestionA
PNo, and noA I'm guessing Captain -ust wants to speak with you before you receive your awardA Congratu.ations on that, by the wayA E huge achievement for you and this precinct,P she smi.es proud.yA
I reciprocate the smi.e before I ejit the .ocker room, .eaving her at the entranceA
I wa.k into the captain's oqce with -oy and a skipA I rea..y can't contain my happinessA
P;ir?P I sa.uteA PMeard you ca..ed for meAP
PNicko.ai? z.ease, sit?P Me gestures to the seat in front of himA I sit at once, waiting to hear what the captain saysA Rut he doesn't
say anythingA
I .ook at him, pu44.ed, wondering why we are in a staring contestA
Fina..y, I speakA
PDhat is it you want us to discuss, sir2P
POh, sorryA De are waiting for one more person,P he says, ro..ing his
chair side to sideA
PDho2 If I may askAP Curiosity is getting the best of meA PXour partner,P he says in a lrm toneA
PFe.ij2P I ask rhetorica..yA
What does he want with both of us? Are we in trouble? Is this because
I have requested a change of partner on several occasions now?Fe.ij ;antos was assigned to me as my partner two years agoA Et lrst,