!"hen there is so'ething wrong. Are they not supposed to give her 'edicine or so'ethingD! Pina asks, concerned.

!Pina, Ijve gone to two hospitals. "wo hospitalsH "hey all clai' she needs to rest, and giving her a cold bath will help lower her te'p. All of which Ijve been doing anyway, but no i'prove'ent. It is frustrating. I Wust want 'y cheerful Octavia back,! I cry out.

!-ait, should we consider that she 'ay be depressedD! Pina sudM denly asks.

!XepressedD! I ask in disbelief. !-hat are you sayingD Low is that even possibleD xhe is Wust a childH -hy would she be depressedD! Ij' ba8ed by Pinajs co''ent.

How can a five-year-old be depressed?

!-ell, I read so'ewhere that kids get depressed, too. And I thought 'aybe she wasnTt happy 1ick wasnTt around any'ore. I donjt know,! she e’plains.


!Xid you tell her about 1ickD! she Yuestions.

!xhe asked about hi' on "uesday, and I told her he isnjt co'ing over any'ore,! I reply.

!-as there any reaction fro' herD!

!1ot really. xhe only asked why,! I say.

!AndD! Pina presses i'patiently

!I told her,! I answer, a little snippier than I intended. I donjt know what Pina is getting at, but I donjt think 'y daughter is depressed.

!"old her whatD Rou have to give 'e a direct answer so we can get to the botto' of this,! she scolds.

When did Mina become a therapist?

!I told her the truth, PinaH! I pause as I grab a glass of water fro' the counter. !I told her 1ick is never co'ing back.!

!Xonjt you think thatjs harshD! she Yuestions.

!-hat else would I have told herD Octavia is s'artq she wouldnjt buy into the lie,! I state.

!"hatjs the thingq you 'ust reali?e she is still a kid. 1o 'atter how s'art you think she is, she doesnjt know 'uch. xhe doesnjt know her father, her grandfather died, and the only 'ale mgure she mnally connected with isnjt interested in her any'ore. Xonjt you think that will take a toll on herD!

Shit. I never thought about it that way.

I a' so invested in 'y feelings that I didnjt see how these things 'ight a…ect 'y daughter.

I shouldnjt have brought 1ick into our lives so soon.

!LelloH Are you still there, SellaD! Pina asks.

!ReahH ReahH! I reply, shaking 'y head back to the present. !Ij' here,! I whisper. !-hy didnjt I think of that, PinaD A' I a bad 'o'D Xoes Octavia think Ij' a bad 'o'D! I Yuestion, e’pecting no answer in particular.

!1o, no, noH Isabel. Xonjt ever think thatH Roujre a'a?ing,! Pinajs sincere tone is highlighted in 'y ears.

!"hank you, Pina, !I whisper. !Sut what if youjre rightD -hat do I doD! I ask.

!Leck, if I know,! Pina responds. !Paybe Ij' Wust reaching. Paybe the doctors are right, and she Wust needs good rest. -e are in no posiM FA"NX -I"L PR N5jx S6O"LN6 4G”

tion to say. -e can only hope for the best, which is her Yuick recovery at this point,! Pina concludes.

!xhould I take her to a therapistD! I ask.

!;irlH xtop acting like your child is broken. xhe will be mne. Eust be there for her as youjve always been. "hatjs enough,! Pina replies. !I better get going. I need to get lunch before we return for another boring lecture.!