!Uook at 'e. I Booded you with 'y issues without asking how youjre doing up there,! I say, sounding apologetic.
!Itjs mne. Rou know Ij' a big girlq I can handle 'yself,! she says proudly. !I wish I were there to help you, though,! she ad'its. !"his place is no fun.!
!Ij' sorry about that. Xonjt worry. Roujll be back ho'e soon. "ake care of yourself.!
-e bid our goodbyes, and I hung up the phone.
I let out another deep breath of frustration. It see's to be a usual occurrence in recent days.
What if Mina is right?
What if she just misses Nick?
I return to Octaviajs bedroo' to check on herq she is still curled up, facing the wall. It is as if she hasnjt 'ade any 'ove'ent since. I walk up close to see if she has fallen asleep, but she hasnjt.
Ler eyes are mlled with tears.
Py heart drops to 'y knees. "he sudden helplessness I feel overM whel's 'e, driving 'e insane.
What's happening to my little girl?
Why is she crying?
I sprint to lie by her side. I pick her up and e'brace her closely as 'y eyes begin to well with tears.
!;u''y bear, whatjs wrongD! 'y voice breaks.
xhe says nothing, but I donjt let go of her. I continue to stroke her hair. Ler te'perature still feels high. Sut Ij' not letting go of 'y baby girl.
I donjt know what to call it, 'other instincts 'aybe, but I begin to say things.
!O. Itjs okay darling, Po''y is here,! I say, sobbing against her neck. !I know itjs hard, but donjt worry. Po''y is here for you. Ijll never leave you, 'y darling. Rou are all I haveq youjll always be 'y sweet girl. I pro'ise you, Po''y is never going to leave you. Nven when you get tired of Po''y, she is not going anywhere. xhe is stuck to you like glue,! I pour out with tears.
xhe chuckles a tiny bit that Ij' sure I would have 'issed if I was two inches away fro' her. I pull her away fro' 'y e'brace to look at her face, but she is still tearing up.
Did I hear wrong?
I know I heard her laugh Wust now.
!Octavia, please, tell 'e whatjs wrong,! I beg.
xhe Wust stares at 'e, wiping the tears away fro' her eyes.
!OD! I call, awaiting her response.
!I know youjre not going anywhere, Po''y,! she whispers.
"his is the 'ost she has spoken in three days. Py heart leaps in Woy.
This can be considered progress.
!Res, thatjs right, Ij' here for you,! I say, holding her hands mr'ly while staring into 'y little girljs eyes.
xhortly, she re'oves her hands fro' 'ine and returns to lying on the bed, facing the wall.
Wait! What just happened?
!Octavia, please look at 'e.! xhe doesnjt respond.