…Nould you li'e anything else!… I turn to him and notice he is still chec'ing me outk I feel selfja.are as I try to hide my blushing facev loo'ing any.here but his facek
…That .ill be allk… Se still has that gorgeous smile on his facek
I gesture to him to ta'e a seat .hile I ma'e his copeek In no timev his iced copee is readyv and I go to serwe him at his tablek
…Than' youv… he saysv smilingk Sis eyes roam around the cafe before they fall bac' on mek …-re you the only one here!… he as's curiouslyk
…DeahF 5ust for todayv thoughk ItMs usually slo. on Thursdaysv… I re,lyv .ondering .hy he as'edk
Se nods his head to sho. he understandsk I loo' at his face7 he seems hesitant to say somethingk
…Wan I get you anything else!… I as'k
…Aaybev… he smiles nerwouslyk …zince youMre the only one herev .hy donMt you sit and hawe copee .ith mev… he saysv ,leading .ith his bro.n eyesk They are mesmeriLing and hawe com,letely dra.n me ink
Is he asking me on a date?
Is this a date?
No, it can't be. Stop reaching.
…Smmkk I canMt7 I hawe to be by the counterk IMm sorryk… …Kut there are no other customers herek… Se gestures .ith his
handsk …Plusv you said itMs a slo. dayk Nhy donMt you ,retend itMs your brea' time and hawe copee .ith mek… Sis eyes brighten li'e a cute ,u,,yMsk …If a customer comes inv you can Cust .al' ower to the counter and ta'e their orderk So. does that sound!… Sis face holds so much ho,e for a ,ositiwe res,onsek
…That ma'es sensek Kut you are ,aying for my copeev ArkO!… …Uouisk Uouis is my namek Pleasev nov misterk 5ust Uouisv… he saysk …Uouisk zounds wery 3kWkv… I say in an attem,t to crac' a Co'ek Sis face s,reads in a .ide smilek -nd I 'no. his eyes .atch me as I
.al' bac' to get a cu, of iced copeek The .eather ultimately demands itk
…Dou didnMt tell me your namev… he says as soon as I return to the tablek
…Isabelv… I say as I ta'e the seat o,,osite himk I si, from my copee and enCoy the coolness s,reading into my systemk …The .eather is a beast todayv… I say in an attem,t to start a conwersationk
…Deahv it isk ThatMs .hy I came here to cool opk I too' a long .al' from my hotel room and then got hotv… he chuc'lesk …Nhat brings you here to Paris!… he as's curiouslyk
…IMm in an art ,rogram at the Nestern cam,us do.nto.nk… I smilev ta'ing another si, of my copeek
…ThatMs coolk zov youMre an artist!… he as'sk
…Nellv I donMt consider myself one yetv… I re,lyk
…zto, being modestk IMm sure you are a badass artistv… he saysv .igj gling his bro.sk
I laugh out loudk
…No.F Dou hawe such a beautiful laughv… he says in a wery sincere tonek I can tell it .as one of those comments that comes out before you can ewen consider saying itk Ay face goes red from his confessionk
I clear my throatv as'ing another Yuestion Cust to change the intense atmos,here in the sho,k Ne continue chatting for hoursv laughingv and sharing childhood stories and .orldwie.sk Kefore .e 'no. itv it is ,mv time for me to close the copee sho,k I close the sho,v and .e decide to ta'e a .al'k Ne continue to discuss and argue about the most triwial thingsk Woming u, .ith absurd theories and scenariosv com,eting on .ho s,ea's Rrench more Euentlyk
Se .ins because my Rrench still belongs in a beginnerMs classv and he is to,jnotchk -s .e continue to .al'v .e sto, by an old .ater fountain to admire its beautyk Ne .al' around the fountain in a.e of itk
…Nould you li'e a ,icture by the fountain!… - stranger .ith an oldjschool Polaroid camera as'sk
I loo' at Uouis to hear his res,onsek Se smiles at me before nodding a rmatiwelyk Ne stand before the fountainv and he suddenly ta'es hold of my handk Ay body goes .ild in goosebum,s in reaction to his touchk Ne smilev and the camera Eashesk Ne .ait as the camera ,rints out the ,icturek