Prologue Isabel

The bright summer sun beams through the blinds of my tiny copee sho,v illuminating ewery ,iece of silwer.are on the counterk It is a beautiful sight to .atch .hen there is no customer to tend tok I mowe closer to the s,ot to feel the rays of the sun on my s'ink I smilev s,inning around li'e IMwe got my o.n s,otlight and no .orries in the .orldk It is good that no one here is .atching me act li'e a foolk

There is something about Paris that ma'es you a,,reciate ewery little detail in the beauty of naturek Aaybe itMs the ,eo,le or their .ay of lifev but since I got herev I hawe admired ewerythingk IMm at ,eace for the xrst time in my lifek

-bout four months agov I came to Paris for a siHjmonth art ,roj gramv .hich .ill end to.ard the end of summerk Sonestlyv the ,roj gram is Cust a cowerju, to get a.ay from my life bac' at homek I came all the .ay from the ztates to xnd myselfv learn to be inde,endentv and ho,efully xnd lowek

Wall me a ho,eless romanticv but Cust li'e in the mowiesv IMwe al.ays imagined that I .ould bum, into the man of my dreams on the street of Parisv my things scattered all ower the Eoork In a slo.jmotion momentv .e both bend do.n to gather my thingsv and his hand graLes minek Ne loo' u, and loc' eyes .ith each otherk This .ill be the beginning of my lowe storyk

My tall, dark, and handsome prince.


So dreamy.

The doorbell at the entrance of the copee sho, ringsv bringing me out of my daydreamk I turn to loo' at the customer .ho Cust .al'ed inv and my eyes come in contact .ith the most beautiful man I hawe ewer seen in my lifek Se is built li'e a godv and his features are to die fork Sis neatly trimmedv s,i'y blonde hair sits ,retty on his scal,k Se has a masculine owal face .ith serious cutjthrough Ca.lines that .ould command any roomk I stare at himv my Ca. on the Eoorv totally froLen in the momentk

He looks American.

Se .al's closer to the counterv and I notice ho. soft he loo's aside from the ,ronounced Ca.linek Se has golden bro.n eyes comj ,limented by his long lashesk I .ant him to .ra, his wery muscular arms around me so I can feel safe and ,rotectedk Se loo's wery casualv toov in his .hite Tjshirt and bro.n qha'i shorts that sit right on his 'neek

…Wan you hear me!… he Yuestionsv loo'ing ,uLLledk

Did he say something?

…SiO sorrykk Sellov… I stutterv trying to call myself to orderk

Sis li,s s,read into a smile as he stares at mek

…Nelcome to Kella WafeF Nhat can I get you!… I as'v reci,rocating his smilek

Se doesnMt res,ondk Se 'ee,s staring at me li'e he is in a.e or somethingk

…Sellov sirF Nhat can I get you!… I as' againk

…Smmv hmmv… he clears his throatk …DouMre -merican!… he as's eHcitedlyk

…Desv I amv… I smile in res,onsek …Dour orderv sir!…

…Xhv sorryk Wan I get an iced copee! Nith creamv ,leasek… R-TB3 NITS AD B”Mz KJXTSBJ ;

…Iced copee .ith creamv… I re,eat as I ,unch his order into the systemk

…Nhat state!… he Yuestionsk

…Tennesseev… I re,lyk …Dou!…

…Nashingtonv 3kWkv… he says ,roudlyk

…This is the xrst time IMwe met someone from 3kWk IMwe al.ays assumed eweryone from there .or's in the Nhite Sousev… I say .ith a shee,ish gigglek

…Dou might be onto something therek… Se lets out a light chuc'lek

…Dou .or' at the Nhite Souse!4 I as'v my eyes brightening .ith interest and curiosityk

…zometimesv… he says .ith a ,roud smilek

…No.F ThatMs a.esomek… I almost sound li'e a child in a.ek