"Des!" she moans.

I swipe my thumb across her areolas, which drives her cra;y’ her nipples harden, and she rocks her hips forward. I can feel the wetness from her panties on my lap. I am so turned on. In the same breath, I intensify our kiss and stand up with her, wrappinx her lexs around my bare backside. I xently push away everythinx on the table, includinx the gowers. I lay her on the table in one swipe. Muckily, it had been cleared of plates. I place her down without breakinx apart our kiss. 2oans continue to escape our lips as we devour each other. I unwrap her lexs from my waist and spread them apart on the table. I break away from the kiss and stare at her as I use my Pnxers to rub her clit.

Damn! She is pouring wet.

She bites down on her lower lips, and I see xoosebumps all over her body. She wants me in the worst way, I can tell. She yanks me forward with her arms around my neck, pullinx me in for another round of kisses. She moves her hands to my hair and tuxs xently. I pull her closer, and without caution, I slide inside her, earninx moans from both of us. I open my eyes to see Isabel starinx rixht back at me. She has never looked se-ier with sparkly, lustful eyes. Slowly, I continue to thrust inside her, e-pressinx my love for her with my body.

Isabel xrabs my butt cheeks, pullinx me closer to thrust faster.

She wants more, and I obey instantly, with more passion, intensiz fyinx my thrust.

She is so warm on the inside.

She moans out loudly in pleasure. "Nick, yes!"

Xur rhythm rapidly intensiPes, sendinx us to the far edxe of xlory. "I love you, Isabel," I say before I come unapoloxetically undone inside her.


1reathinx frantically, she places her forehead on mine and smiles. "I love you so damn much, Nick," she says, clearly out of breath. "This is undoubtedly my best birthday celebration ever!"

I reciprocate the smile and xently place a kiss on her forehead. "Rnythinx for you, baby,G I lift her from the table and carry her into the bedroom, where we'll proclaim our love for each other axain.


3amn! I have to be the luckiest man alive. The way Isabel loves is phenomenal. She is perfect, and I will continue to love her until I die. I've been ready to pop the Luestion since our Prst o…cial date. 1ut I have to keep calm till the time is rixht. I don't know if I can be that patient, thouxh.

The 4oke's on my father because he thouxht I would be miserable when I xot to Jreenville, and he e-pected me to come runninx back to him for help. Be was indeed very far from the truth. In Jreenville, I've found a community and the most ama;inx woman, accompanied by a divine sense of peace and accomplishments that I never felt, even as one of the most hixhly decorated detectives in 3.C. I will not trade my life now for what it used to be. If anythinx, I should thank my father for pushinx me toward this treasure, even thouxh that was the last thinx heWd intended to do.

"Uarth to Nick!" Isabel's voice rinxs, brinxinx me out of my thouxhts. "qhat is on your mind6" she Luestions, starinx at me cuz riously.

How can she look this flawless in the morning?

"qell, if you must know7" I bexin to speak as I roll over to her side of the bed, pullinx her close to me. "... I was thinkinx about how lucky YO: BUMUN 1M52U

I am to have you in my life," I say, coverinx every part of her face with kisses. She xixxles as she tries to back my lips away with her palm, but I do not succumb. I continue to kiss her all over, earninx more lauxhter from her. Ber very musical lauxhter.

Isabel stands after a few more minutes of cuddlinx toxether on the bed.

"qhere are you xoinx6" I ask. I don't want our cuddles to end.

"I'm xoinx to take a shower," she smiles. "I love the serenity of this place, but we have to xo back home."

"Can't we 4ust stay one more day6" I pout.

Jixxlinx, she replies. "3o you think you're Xctavia6 qe have to xo relieve the sitter and have work tomorrow that we both need to prepare for."

I roll my eyes 4okinxly. "Xkay, fun, police. I heard you," I say defeatz edly.

"Xh, oh," she says, pretendinx to be hurt. "I hear ya!" Ber southern accent comes on display. Suddenly, there is a mischievous smirk on her face.

What is she up to?

She bexins to take oH her E8s. "I mixht not be fun, but I know what I am," she says, winkinx as her nixht dress falls to the xround, revealinx her se-ily toned, curvy body.

2y 4aw feels like it is on the xround, and my member feels the heat almost instantly. I can feel it bulxinx in my briefs. Isabel seems to notice as she teases me with more se-y moves. She turns around, bendinx over in a perfect arch to pick up her nixht dress from the xround before walkinx to the bathroom. I waste no time strippinx myself naked, walkinx hurriedly to 4oin her in the shower.
