"2ommy is home!" qe hear Xctavia's voice from the front door as we e-it the car in the driveway. Isabel and I smiled at each other because we had discussed in the car that Xctavia would be outside, already e-pectinx us. Rnd we were rixht.

Xctavia Luickly runs towards her mother but suddenly turns away when she sees me.

"Nick!" Ber eyes pop in e-citement immediately when she sees me. She runs towards me, and I bend down so she can embrace me. I xive her a bix hux and tickle her. She lauxhs loudly, 4ust like her mother. I turn to Isabel to see her starinx at me with unbelief.

"Jummy bear6 3on't you want to hux 2ommy6" she Luestions.

"I will! I'm with Nick now," she says with the cutest conPdence.

I chuckle, intentionally rubbinx it in for Isabel. I kiss Xctavia and tell her to hux her mother.

Isabel pretends not to want the hux axain, and Xctavia apoloxi;es immediately.

"I'm sorry, 2ommy. I love you!" she says, openinx her arms wide. "I was savinx the best for last."

3amn! Bow is she this emotionally intellixent at her axe6 It ba9es me sometimes. She reminds me of Mouis. Be always knew what to say to make everyone feel better. Communication is somethinx I have struxxled with for a lonx time. I wish I had the type of upbrinxinx that Xctavia has. She is deeply rooted.

Isabel Pnally succumbs and huxs her dauxhter, showerinx her with kisses. qe all enter the house to see the babysitter tryinx to clear oH some of Xctavia's toys scattered on the goor.

"I can see you en4oyed your time when we were away," Isabel says, turninx to Xctavia.

"Des, Susan and I played a lot," she says happily.

"So, you didn't miss 2ommy6" she Luestions axain.


"I missed you," she replies, returninx to hux her mother axain. qhen Susan Pnishes cleaninx, I pay her and thank her for her service.

I xo to the bedroom, and I don't see Isabel there. Then I xo to Xctavia's room to see them on the bed, xossipinx with each other as Isabel styles her hair.

Sometimes, I forxet that Xctavia is 4ust a Pvezyearzold kid. She speaks with so much conPdence and xrace.

"Bey, baby, I think I should head out. I have some thinxs to take care of in my apartment," I say, walkinx further into the room.

"*eally6" Isabel pouts.

"I will7"

"Nick! Rre you leavinx me6G Xctavia interrupts, her brows fold in a frown. "Dou 4ust xot here."

"Xh no! I'll never do that. I 4ust need to xo do somethinx at my apartment," I e-plain, walkinx up to her.

"qhy don't you 4ust live with us6 Then you wouldnWt have to keep xoinx," she blurts out.

2y eyes shoot wide open in shock.

Oh wow!

I didn't see that cominx.

I look at Isabel and see she is 4ust as shocked as I am.

"Bmmm7hmmm," I try to make out words, but my brain seems to be in overdrive.

"Xctavia, Nick can't live here, sweetie. Be needs his personal space." Isabel says, cominx to my rescue.