…Aa'e that t.ov ,leasev… Uouis tells the ,hotogra,herk Ne collect the ,ictures and ,ay the ,hotogra,herk Uouis hands one to mek …Sere is your co,yk… Se smilesk Ne both stare at the ,icture7 I admire ho. .ell .e loo' togetherk I suddenly began to fantasiLe about our life togetherk
Is it too early to feel that?
Am I insane for feeling such an intense attraction toward him?
Ne continue our .al'k -nd the night continues to be xlled .ith laughterv Coyv and chemistryk It feels li'e I hawe 'no.n Uouis all my lifev and being by his side is a natural xtk Se is intelligentv funnyv SBUB2 KU"AB
careerjorientedv tallv and handsomek Aaybe he is my ,rince charmingv after allk
-fter the long .al'v .e return to the front of the copee sho,k I ,oint to the building o,,osite the sho,k …Ay a,artment is ower therek…
…Uet me .al' you home thenv… he opersk
Ne cross the road and reach the front of my a,artment buildingk
…IMd li'e to see you againv Isabelv… he says in a lo. tonev mowing closer to mek I can smell his strong cologne ewen more no.k
…Nellv you 'no. .here I liwe and .or'k That shouldnMt be hardv… I chuc'le nerwouslyk
…Wan I at least get your number!… he ,leadsk
I stretch out my hand to collect his ,hone and ,unch my number into itk
…Than' youv… he almost .his,ers as a smile s,reads across his facek …ood nightv Isabelv… he saysv coming ewen closer to hug mek I recij ,rocate the hugv and being in his strong arms feels so goodk Ne stay li'e this for a .hilev neither of ting to let go of the otherk -fter much reluctancev .e ,ull a,artv and our eyes loc'k Sis ,u,ils loo' dilatedv and they hold so many emotionsk Se dra.s me closer by my .aistv and his eyes fall to my li,sk …Wan I 'iss you!… he .his,ers as he tuc's my hair behind my earsk The touch of his xngers across my face Colts my body .ith electricityk It is truly .ild that I feel this lewel of attraction for someone I Cust met todayk Kut at the same timev it seems I 'no. all there is to 'no. about Uouisk
…Nhat are you .aiting for!… I .his,er bac'k Nithout a second delayv he cu,s my face into his hands and ,resses his li,s on minek Sis softv thin li,sk I enwelo, his li,s in mine as I dee,en our 'issk The 'iss starts slo.ly but heightens .ith .ild ,assion as .e intensify itk It is the best 'iss IMwe ewer hadk
Is it too early to say I love him? Because it is obvious I am in love with this man, a man I met a few hours ago.
How insane is that?
Yeah, Paris will do that to you.
I donMt .ant to let him go tonightk Jeluctantlyv I ,ull a.ay from the 'issv but he rests his head on my forehead as .e try to catch our breathk
…Nould you li'e to come u,stairs!… I as' shylyk Se remowes his head from my forehead to loo' at my facek …-rrrkk are you sure!… he loo's ,uLLledk
…If you donMt .ant to come u,v it is xnek I donMt 'no. .hy I as'ed you such a Yuestionk I am so stu,idk Xbwiouslyv you .ouldnMt .ant toO Nho am I 'idding! Dou Cust met meO… I continue to ramble on and onk
Uouis grabs me by the shouldersk …Isabelv calm do.nk KreatheF I .ould wery much li'e to come u,stairsk I .as ho,ing you .ould as'v… he saysv smilingk
…Jeally!… I grin from ear to eark
…Desv… he laughsk …I donMt 'no. if youMwe noticedv but IMm into youv Isabelk I thin' I li'e youv a lotk…
5ust as the .ords esca,e his mouthv I smash my li,s on his and begin to 'iss him againk
Fuck going slow!
I want him now.
Ne smile against each otherMs li,s as .e ,ull a,artk I lead the .ay u,stairs to my a,artmentv .here I 'no. .e .ill hawe a good timek
I've found my prince charming.
Chapter One Nick