Yet had I known what would have happened after I left… I would’ve climbed back in her bed, wrapped my big body around her much smaller one, and used my body to shield hers.
Because a massive storm was headed this way…. And I didn’t know.
Chapter 14
It’s crazy how only a few seconds in time can change your whole life.
Sometimes when it happens, you don’t even realize it.
Then other times it happens, and it changes your whole outlook on life.
I’ve had a few of those.
And a few of the prior.
And tonight, it was going to happen again…. I just didn’t know it.
But not only was it going to happen tonight… a night into the future, into the very near future, everything as I thought I knew, was going to change.
What the hell was I thinking, trying to make the first move?
And when I do decide to make that move, doing something I’ve never done in my entire life, his freaking phone decides to ring.
And… he freaking stopped what I was doing to answer it.
He. Freaking. Pulled. My. Hands. Away. From. His. Body.
Angry at myself for even thinking he wanted another kiss.
Angry at the fact that he had gotten married.
And then I pulled the dress in the wrong direction and heard the material rip.
Damnit. I would have liked to wear this dress again.
Sighing, I tossed it to the side and then headed to the bathroom to take a hot shower.
Something had occurred while I was in the shower, my phone had gone off with a text but didn’t show it on my screen.
Once I was done and combing through my long-wet strands, my heart started to beat, double-timed.
Why? Because I don’t think thunderstorms are soothing.
That was when the first boom of thunder sounded.
Daddy –An unexpected storm is rolling in. You need me. I’m there.
I raced to my front door, made sure it was securely locked, and then I raced to my bedroom, threw myself underneath my covers, started my music, put in my earbuds, and then covered my whole body underneath my covers.