Scarlett’s eyes, nor mine, moved from one another.

That was until I heard my stomach growl, and then hers followed suit, she started chuckling, hearing the same thing, “Come on. Let’s go get some of this food I had to taste test with her.”

Yes, I followed her like a lost puppy but had the time of my life.

But not before I made sure that her body was blocking my hard-on until I could get him somewhat calmed down.

After we ate, we were standing there talking to a few of the men and women there, and I was grateful that no one recognized me.

“Okay, it’s time for the wedding bouquet. Will all the single lady’s step into the middle of the floor?”

I stood there, my arm wrapped around Scarlett’s waist, the other arm, hanging loosely at my side, my fist clenched at the thought of her actually catching that bouquet and some other mother fucker thinking it was his time to make his move.

Kind of like half the men here were thinking.

And you could have knocked me over with a fucking feather when Scarlett didn’t move to the dance floor.

“Okay ladies, I’ll toss it on the count of…” Betty trailed off.

I could see over all the females and right to Betty, she looked at the women who were assembled for her, and then she shot her eyes to where Scarlett was standing still, curled into my side.

She smiled, huge, then looked up at me and tossed me a wink, One. Two. Three.”

And that was how the EMTs were called, and four women had busted noses.

And a few sprained ankles, and a few sprained wrists.

After the drama calmed down, we set off fireworks as Red and Betty climbed into their car for their honeymoon.


After the wedding, I followed Scarlett home ensuring she made it there safely.

And the moment we stepped in front of her apartment door, her hands were on my face, she went up on her tiptoes, and right before she could press her mouth to mine, which I desperately wanted, my phone started to ring.

Knowing that ringtone, I let out a curse and then carefully, removed her hands from my face, and then grabbed my phone.

And before I could say a word, Scarlett unlocked her door, opened it, slid in, and then I heard the locks go.

Fucking hell.

One step forward, two steps back.

But I couldn’t ignore his calls.

He would never ignore mine.

Bringing it up, I hit answer and closed my eyes as I leaned my back against the wall outside her apartment, “Yeah?”

“I need you, brother.”

I looked at Scarlett’s door and sighed.

I would make this right.

One way or another.

But Van was my brother and he needed me.