“In the meantime, while he was saying that he was eyeing up all the talent.” She tilted her head, and I got it.
“Player,” I said.
Scarlett nodded, “Yeah, and to this she was apparently oblivious to it. So, to get the boy that everyone wanted, she did as he said. And it worked. It also worked on the other girls who acted like her. Within two months he had fucked the cheerleading squad. Varsity. A month after that he fucked half the JV squad.”
I growled just imagining someone doing that to Scarlett, “Bastard.”
She nodded, “Yeah, and they all told her they had been with him, but she either didn’t believe them, or she wanted to keep him tethered to her so no one else could have him.
“Wait…. so, why’d she marry him if she knew he wouldn’t be faithful to her?”
“Money. So, the grandparents died and didn’t leave their children anything but left it to him. And somehow Mecole found out they were doing that. So, she got pregnant, and his grandparents before they died, told him he better make things right.”
I nodded, understanding it all, “So, they got married.”
She nodded, “Yeah, and supposedly she had a miscarriage. She does all of it, and puts up with all of it, just so she can get half the money in another five years. All the while she’s fucking their pool boy.”
I didn’t hesitate to let my thoughts fly, not with her, “Well, then she needs to stop being a cuntwaffle, then maybe, just maybe, she will earn her right to be called a woman.”
It wasn’t that funny, I didn’t think so, but Scarlett thought it was hilarious, and she showed it when she started laughing, and then that laughing turned into snorting.
She was drawing attention to herself, but I’d never thought she looked more beautiful.
And when she snorted again, it was so fucking adorable, that I couldn’t help myself.
Letting go of her waist, I brought my hand up to curl around the side of her face, and then I whispered, “Raincheck time?”
I noticed the rapid rise and fall of her chest.
Noticed how her eyes strayed down to my lips, noticed how the flecks of even lighter blue around her pupil started to sparkle.
And the moment, and I mean the very moment she nodded subtly, I made my move.
I crashed my lips into hers.
Teasing them.
And when I carefully coaxed her lips open and moved in with my tongue, I lost all sense of where I was.
Her taste was intoxicating.
Then… When she gathered up the courage, her tongue moved with mine and I felt a little mewl escape her throat, my cock immediately got hard.
He was already fighting me, wanting to slip inside of her when I saw her in her dress, but this… yeah, there was no battling the monster now.
And I didn’t even care.
Betty chose that moment to speak right in our ears, “There’s something about weddings.”
At that, I reluctantly pulled away from my Shortcake’s mouth and waited for her to open her eyes, and the moment she gave me those mesmerizing ice-blue eyes, she whispered, “I need that doll.”
I laughed, and then lowered my mouth to her ear and whispered, “You need that doll.”
“You know, when I kiss Red like that, I don’t hear a thing for a while. True love and all that. And if y’all don’t know, someone accidentally let off a firework too soon and neither one of you jumped. I’m just saying.”