It was almost identical to the one Bella had worn.
And now… after Marcus had divested me of my dress buttons with his teeth and then made love to every inch of my body I smiled.
Cuddled up in his arms with the doors to our private villa open, allowing the cool air from the salty sea to blow in, my head resting over his heart, I heard him say, “Now, I’ll tell you why I call you, Shortcake.”
I smiled, then tilted my head so I could see his face, “So you wait until I say my vows to give me that, huh?”
He chuckled, “Yeah, but also, I wanted you to know just how much of me is tangled up in you. You're my breath Shortcake. There is no me, without you.”
I grinned, titled my head, and placed a kiss over his new tattoo.
The one he surprised me with once I devested him of his suit, it was my name in bold script right over his heart, “That first day, when I walked into the bathroom and stepped to the stall, two scents hit me at once, and what they reminded me of, I found myself changing my favorite dessert to that.”
I was confused. “What scents?”
“Strawberry, and vanilla. That reminded me of Strawberry Shortcake.”
I pulled back for a beat and tried to recall what I had used back then.
And that was when it hit me, “They stopped making that shampoo and conditioner a few years ago.”
Immediately he asked, “What's the name of the brand?”
I lifted a brow, “Why?”
He shrugged one shoulder, “Because that’s you. That scent is all you.”
Low and behold, thirty days later, sitting in a spa kit was a bottle of the shampoo and conditioner, as well as a lifetime supply of both.
I simply shook my head, grabbed the bottles from the cute dark brown wicker basket, and then took a shower.
And yes… I remembered what he said, I even put on vanilla lotion once I was out of the shower.
Needless to say, we were way late to Keeley’s birthday party.
Two weeks later, I tried, I really did try to keep the laughter at bay, but I didn’t manage it when he bent his body, buried his face in my neck, and muttered, “What the fuck is up with people interrupting us?”
I giggled, “I don’t know, honey.”
“Oh, my eyes. What the fuck bro?” Van cried out.
Marcus lifted his head and then growled at his brother, “Does this house have your name on it?”
“Fuck no. But damn. Just… damn. I don’t want to see your fucking ass this early in the fucking morning.”
Then he turned and started walking out of the kitchen, but not before he called out, “Scarlett honey, it’s a crying fucking shame you met my brother before you met me.”
Marcus growled, pulled out of me, and then chased after Van, his perfect cock swinging without abandonment.
I had my hands on my knees laughing my ass off.
I thought seeing tears in Marcus’s eyes when he saw me walking down the aisle to him was a perfect vision. But I couldn’t have been more wrong.