Once we were settled in our seats and they called out our destination, she turned to look at me and narrowed her eyes, “Wait, the only place you can get married without having documentation is Vegas. So… why are we headed to Washington?”
“How awesome am I?” I asked her.
She narrowed her eyes at me, “Pretty fucking awesome. But what’s going on?”
I winked, “I have to love you to put up with your quirks, right?”
She nodded, narrowing her eyes even further, even though I didn’t think that was possible, “Right… so… what’s going on?”
“How many times have you read aloud the wedding scene between Edward and Bella? And how many times have you made me watch the movies with you and then sighed and mentioned you would love to get married at something like it?”
That was when she looked at me, and then, her eyes got wide, “You tell me right now Marcus Winston DuPointe.”
“I contacted the new owners, and it turns out they are big fans of me. It turns out they had followed the story of us, and they graciously offered to let us get married there.”
She ignored the flight attendant who was telling her to get back in her seat and then was climbing in my lap and peppering kisses all over my face.
Six hours later, she wasoohingandahhingover everything.
Two hours later she was up in the same room where Bella got ready with her dad, and Betty.
Thankfully, Betty had come through for me, with a friend of hers and had recreated the dress that Bella had worn.
And seeing her in it as she walked down the aisle with her father beside her, I didn’t mind the tears that trailed down my cheeks.
The dress didn’t make her.
No, she made the dress.
Her auburn hair was curled in ringlets that fell down her back.
And I really couldn’t wait to get to our hotel room in the Bahamas and undo every button with my teeth.
As soon as she reached me, I winked at her and mouthed,‘You’re fucking adorable.’
She mouthed back,‘You in that suit. I want to jump you.’
Then, uncaring because it was our day, I winked, and then said aloud, “You can jump me anytime.”
Her father as well as the men in the MC, Van, Braydon, and his wife, Daemon, Aliyah, Red, Knox, Fiona, my Mama, and Dad, started chuckling.
Then he sobered, and offered me his hand, “Know I don’t have to warn you.”
I shook my head, and shook his hand, “You definitely don’t.”
As soon as she took my hand and handed her bouquet to Betty, she whispered, “I love me some of you, Marcus.”
I winked, “I love me some of you too, Shortcake.”
And just like that, twenty minutes later, we were pronounced as Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Winston DuPointe.
Seeing my big man with tears in his eyes as he saw me in my dress, I would have married him anywhere if only he asked.
I knew that no matter how many moments we shared together as one, I would never forget it. Ever.
After I saw the dress that Betty revealed I had wanted to shout to the rooftops about the buttons, but I realized something.