His mother shook her head. “It’s never too late while you’re all still here. So let the past go,” she said, her words hitting him with deadly accuracy and devastating impact.
Ian inclined his head. He didn’t know if he could, but with everything his mother revealed, and for all she’d given up, he promised himself that, for her sake, he’d try.
Riley listened to Olivia and Avery’s banter, once again enjoying the dynamic between the sisters. She’d already met Ian’s mother and instantly warmed to the charming woman who’d gone out of her way to make Riley feel welcomed. She knew Ian appreciated his family in a way many people did not, and as a man who carried hurts from the past, she was grateful he had these three women in his life.
His brothers, who she’d also spent time with, were very much like Alex when he was in a good mood. They liked toying with their older brother, and by dancing too close with Riley, they knew they were poking at Ian’s main weakness. She’d tried to pull away, but they’d laughed and kept her dancing.
“So tell me how you put up with my brother’s bossy ways,” Avery said, bringing Riley into their conversation.
Since Ian had cut into each sister’s dances with other men, and he’d done the same with their mother, they had good reason to ask Riley about Ian’s control issues.
Still, Riley couldn’t help but blush, knowing there were plenty of times she liked Ian’s brand of control. Yet there were many instances when she didn’t.
“I suppose I just put him in his place,” she said to Avery. She took a sip of her champagne and shrugged, not knowing what else to say.
“And he accepts that?” Olivia asked.
Riley shook her head and laughed. “Not always.”
“What happens then?” This, from Olivia.
“I’m not telling.” Riley grinned, and the other women merely groaned.
“Good evening, ladies.”
Riley stilled at the unexpected sound of Alex’s voice. She turned to him, surprised. “What are you doing here?”
He looked handsome in his tuxedo, his shaggy brown hair giving him even more appeal. She was happy to see him, just not here. Ian would be upset, and that was the last thing she wanted on a night that had otherwise been wonderful so far.
“My parents are big supporters of the cause. Why wouldn’t I be here?” He turned toward the other women. “Olivia, Avery. Good to see you,” he said.
They each eyed him warily.
Olivia, who Riley had learned was the more outspoken of the two women, straightened her shoulders. “You owe us all an apology,” she told him. “Unless you think not showing up when you’re invited and have accepted a dinner invitation is the polite thing to do.” She raised an imperious eyebrow as she stood up for her brother.
Alex straightened his shoulders. “I think that’s between me and Ian.”
“Not when I extended the actual invitation on his behalf,” Olivia reminded him.
Riley winced. She deliberately stayed out of the conversation. Although the subject upset her, she recognized it was none of her business.
Alex met her gaze and slowly nodded. “You’re right. It was rude, and I’m sorry.”
Riley blinked in surprise, proud of her best friend for owning his behavior.
“Any chance you’ll tell Ian that?” Olivia asked, pushing her luck.
“Tell Ian what?” the subject of conversation asked, joining them.
Riley sighed.
Ian slipped in beside her, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her tightly against him. She automatically leaned into his warmth, savoring the delicious and arousing smell of his cologne. His fingers gripped her waist possessively.
The half siblings and siblings studied each other warily.
“I think Avery and I are going to dance.” Olivia spoke first. “It’s the first time this DJ is picking up the beat. I don’t want to miss out,” she said, grasping her sister’s hand and pulling her away.