Page 55 of Dare to Love

Left alone with the two men, Riley looked to each, wondering who’d break the tension first.

“Alex,” Ian said, extending his hand for a shake.

Riley knew what the gesture had cost Ian’s pride. She immediately knew he’d done it for her, and her heart filled with love for this enigmatic, self-contained man.


Oh God.

She didn’t have time to analyze the emotion because Alex hadn’t answered. Beside her, Ian stiffened at the insult, and they both waited.

“Ian.” Alex pumped Ian’s hand.

Riley’s knees went weak, and she was grateful for Ian’s bodily support.

She expected them to find a reason to part ways, but to her surprise, they made small talk about the draft and the potential of both teams during the upcoming season.

A start, she thought, relieved and pleased beyond words. These two men were so important to her that she couldn’t bear it if they couldn’t even make small inroads in their relationship.

“Feeling better?” Alex asked Riley, interrupting her internal musings.

“I’m fine,” she answered quickly, shooting him a warning look. She hoped he understood that she wanted him to end this conversation now and not bring up last night’s phone call.

“I set a PI on your dad. I should know what that bastard has been up to soon enough.” Clearly he’d missed her pointed glance.

“What’s going on?” Ian asked.

Riley groaned. “I...” She trailed off, unsure of where to begin.

Alex’s gaze shot to hers, his expression apologetic. “I’m sorry, Ri. I just assumed you’d told him.”

“Told me what?” Ian asked, his grip on her waist tightening.

“Ouch,” she muttered.

He immediately loosened his hold. “What am I missing?” he asked.

She swallowed hard and glanced up at him. “Do you remember earlier, in the limo, I said I wanted to talk to you, and we—umm—got distracted?”

Ian nodded, his jaw tight. He hated being in the dark. Hated more that Riley and his half brother shared some sort of secret.

“Well, it was about this.”

“I don’t know whatthisis,” Ian reminded her, hurt and betrayal flooding through him.

Alex shook his head. “Jesus, Riley. Your old man surfaces, I didn’t expect you to keep the news locked up tight. He’s the guy you’re with.” He gestured toward Ian. “Hell, you practically threatened me that I’d lose you if I didn’t come around and find a way to get along with him. I figured he was the first one you’d confided in.”

“You thought wrong,” Ian informed him. “I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I plan to find out,” he said, his voice vibrating with anger. “Let’s go. We’re leaving,” he told Riley, his hand still holding her arm.

“The hell you are.” Alex stepped into his personal space. “You’re not leaving with her while you’re so pissed off.”

“Alex, it’s fine,” Riley said.

The other man scowled at Ian. “You don’t hurt her, you don’t lay a fucking hand on her in anger.”

“He wouldn’t! Alex, back off. This is my problem, not yours,” Riley said, defending him.

Ian clenched his free hand, the one he was itching to shove in his half brother’s face.