“Whoever cleans her rooms is to pack her things for her,” said Rainier. “She won’t be living here anymore.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

Felix had asked where the Queen’s dressmaker was before they left. It was on the far side of Rosewood, and they wouldn’t go by it on the way to the Temple. She probably wouldn’t have a clue of anything until she was already out and on her way home. Rainier had given a verbal message to take to his Aunt and cousin, and once everyone was ready, they left the grounds.

He still couldn’t believe he was doing this. Common, human guys who grew up in Ranet on Earth didn’t participate in treason even if it was actually right, and they didn’t become Kings. But here he was. He had figured Rainier asking if he wanted to sit with him fifty years from now was an unofficial proposal. He’d said yes because he couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.

He just hadn’t pictured himself as a King. Being a commoner was all he knew, and he’d never thought about climbing higher. Why would he? All he’d wanted while growing up was to get out of poverty, and work had seemed like the only way. Not marriage.

All of the guards at the Castle came, and a few city ones joined the group too. The Queen wouldn’t have an easy time finding anyone to support her. Some citizens stopped in the streets, and others came to stand in the doorway of their home or business to watch.

Others started to join the procession, and when Felix looked toward the back of it, he noticed a few servants had baskets. They were handing out golden roses to everyone who joined. They must have cut them from the garden.

Natalie fetching him, a few words to the servants downstairs that night, a little defiance to the Queen, Aunt Betty’s refusal to put her daughter in Rainier’s rightful place, and years of silence from those that had noticed something…The seams had finally burst, and Felix had been key in helping to rip them out.

He hadn’t even meant to. He’d just wanted Rainier to recover and live in peace, and he hadn’t expected for this to be the way.

Not many had seen Rainier lately. They’d gone to the house in a carriage, and he looked too tired to be riding a horse now, but maybe it was better if people saw him now. He was clearly too thin under his cloak, and it showed in his face. If anybody doubted the Queen’s cruelty, they could see the evidence now.

The group swelled as more fairies rushed to join the procession. Judging by the way some were shouting, Felix was starting to wonder if maybe the Queen would hear it on the far side of Rosewood. When they approached the Temple, a chant started.

“Down with the Queen! Down with the Queen! Down with the Queen!”

People who had been praying in the Temple came to the front steps of the open-air structure with the Mages, and a few rushed down to join the crowd as they gathered at the front. Rainier slipped off his horse by the steps, and Felix joined him to go up, but the Prince paused halfway.

It took a minute for people to quiet down as they realized he must want to say something. Felix had never felt so conspicuous before as he stood by his Prince. He’d also never seen such a big crowd come together and focus on one thing either unless something special at a fair counted.

“I’m taking the position of King along with my future husband, Felix, but Eliza is still my Mother, and no one is to lay a finger on her,” Rainier announced as loudly as he could.

Some people spoke, and the message seemed to be being passed along since the ones in the back would have trouble hearing. They sounded pleased. Rainier obviously wasn’t a cruel Prince, and it showed he still had respect for the one who gave him life even if her later actions had led to his potentially running out too soon. A lot more eyes were also focused on Felix, and a few flung a couple of gold roses his way.

“Felix! Felix!” They shouted his name even though a good deal had no idea who he was. It seemed that if Rainier liked him, that was good enough for everyone else.

Felix spotted a few of the employees from Pierced Pretties, including Tab, in the mass. Tab had never looked so shocked before.

“Come on, Kitten.” Rainier took his hand so they could go up. The Mages wore plain, dark green robes, and the High Mage, who had gold stitching on his, stepped forward.

“I’ve got the crown. Someone came ahead to speak to me about getting it out and why.”

“Get the copy. Felix is going to be coronated too.”

The High Mage raised an eyebrow at Felix. “That’s not your husband.”

“But he will be, so I want him crowned with me too. We can get married later.”

The High Mage nodded. “Fine. I’ll have to get it.”

The other Mages stared at the pair before they went ahead. Felix hadn’t thought about the High Mage possibly refusing, but perhaps he could have. It seemed he’d go with the flow of the city.

A few went ahead to the altar, and some blocked the steps because others were trying to get closer to see. It’s not every day someone is crowned. Felix’s face grew hot even though he wasn’t normally the type to feel embarrassed in public.

Rainier took his hand and whispered. “Just do whatever I do. It’s not complicated, and it’s quite quick.”

At least Rainier had given him a nice coat to wear so he didn’t look like a peasant that had wandered in by mistake. A box was on the altar that had a white cloth draped over it, rather like the ones back on Earth.

The Temple, being quite large, was open at the back and front. It didn’t have windows, and columns supported the roof. Felix had been in here before, but he still couldn’t quite help but stare at the gold vines that climbed up them and inched around the side walls. On the high ceiling, a woman who was probably Elira had her back to the viewer as she stood in a field of flowers with her long hair flowing in an invisible breeze.

The High Mage returned with another box. Both were plain, and he opened the first one to lift out the crown. It was black, and the segments came to points. Little gold leaves decorated the segments, and a gold, thorny vine was wrapped around the base and some of the segments. The secondary one was removed, and it was the same although slightly smaller, and the thorny vine didn’t look quite the same.