“Oh, my God!” exclaimed Felix. “It’s just like the stories back home. Do they lay their heads in the laps of virgins?”

“The gold ones occasionally do, but it's not a big thing for them.”

Felix grinned. “I guess that won’t happen to me.”

The guard had been hanging back, but he must have caught that since his cough sounded suspiciously like a laugh at first. Rainier couldn’t help but chuckle as he and Felix continued riding along the fence.

Plenty more unicorns were toward the front of the property. A few enormous stables were past a gate, and smaller paddocks took up one side. A house across the dirt road going by must have been the owner’s, and the main fields were too big for Rainier to see the other side. A few people were hanging around by the gate into the fields, and a silver unicorn was eating something out of a little girl’s hand.

By the stables, a golden unicorn stood, and part of his horn had been broken off.

“What happened to him?” asked Felix.

“It might have been hunters,” said Rainier. “Some hunt them for the horns even though that’s repulsive.”

It was generally agreed that only rich scumbags would collect unicorn horns or something made from the bone material.

A stablehand for visitors came to take their horses, and they were able to enter through the gate since Rainier said he’d pay for them to ride. The guard didn’t want to go and said he needed a break from riding anyway.

Felix stayed outside of the main stable to stare at the unicorns while Rainier paid the owner. When he came out, a white one was approaching Felix who looked like he didn’t know if she should run or touch it.

“They’re gentle as long as you’re nice to them,” said Rainier, and the owner came out to join them. “My friend, Felix, is from the human world. He’s never seen a unicorn before.”

“I bet Snow over there senses that, or maybe he just likes you,” said the owner. “He doesn’t like anybody for the most part unless he knows them for a while.”

Snow had gotten close enough for Felix to touch, although he seemed a little skittish. “Why not?”

“We rescued him from a nasty guy who had caught him and tried to break him in for riding.”

The fairy must have horribly abused the unicorn. No wonder he didn’t trust anybody new except for Felix who hesitantly put out his hand. Snow drew a little closer and let the human stroke his neck.

“He’s so soft,” said Felix.

“He seems to like you,” said Rainier. “Can he ride Snow if he allows it?”

“Yeah, sure,” said the owner.

Unicorns were gentle with those they liked, so Rainier didn’t have to worry about Snow tossing off his human rider. The owner said Rainier couldn’t ride the gold one because he was attached to the man’s oldest son, and nobody else had the privilege. They weren’t sure how he’d ended up with a broken horn, but he’d popped up a few years ago.

Some others were scattered around the field, and the owner called over another silver one to see if he liked Rainier. Even if a unicorn senses a person is good or nice, they might not feel like being ridden or doing what the fairy wants.

The owner saddled them, and Felix didn’t hesitate to mount Snow.

“I can’t wait to tell Mother and Grandma.” He leaned forward to hug Snow’s neck. “This is so amazing. Thanks for bringing me here, Rainier.”

He leaned over to kiss Rainier. Seeing his Kitten so happy was far better than sex. He almost wanted to buy Felix a unicorn, but whores often didn’t have a spot for mounts. It was another expense that they didn’t really need, and the stables outside of whorehouses were for customers.

Someone from the stable went with them, and he led them around the fields to the others who were grazing and playing. In a separate paddock, a Mother watched her baby run around on his gangly legs. The stablehand said it had only been born three days ago, so they’d picked a good time to come. They couldn’t pet the baby because Mothers were quite protective of their children.

A male who must have been the Father came to the fence to watch, and the baby ran up to him. When the Father lowered his horn, the baby tapped his tiny one on it. The stablehand said they were probably saying hello to each other, and horn taps seemed to have a lot of meanings.

Rainier’s unicorn kept neighing while the stablehand led them on a trail through the woods behind the owner’s house. He had no idea what it was saying, but he liked it.

The stablehand was far enough ahead, and Felix whispered to Rainier. “Are some people into unicorn play like they are pony play?”

Rainier snorted and nodded. “Yes. I’ve heard you can buy a fake horn to strap on your forehead."

“I guess if you can think of it, it’s probably been done.”