“You were abusing my Kitten, you sick fuck!”
Lance shouted as something crashed in the kitchen. Felix wondered if he should crawl back under the bed because Lance was bigger than the Prince. Those with healing magic didn’t always have fire, lightning, or energy to fight with, and if it came to magic and strength, Lance might win.
And he’d come after Felix.
Lance shouted a second later as glass shattered. It sounded like something hit the floor, and dead silence reigned for several seconds. Felix was about to head back under the bed, but he heard the Prince swear. Boots clomped back, and Prince Rainier entered with blood on his knuckles. He must have scraped and healed them.
He pulled a hanky from his coat pocket to wipe them. “I knocked his ass out, and I’m going to tie him up. Guards can fetch him later to lock up. Stay there, Kitten.”
He took rope from the bedside drawer and disappeared for a good ten minutes. Felix hugged his knees as he tried to come to terms with the fact that he was safe. The Prince wasn’t going to punish him because of Lance’s lies, and that bastard wouldn’t touch him again.
He wanted to go back to the whorehouse now and try to forget this fucking morning. He’d never been so panicked and in fear for his safety since that day with the dominant, and that guy hadn’t even meant to genuinely hurt him.
Lance had meant it.
He was never wearing a gag either. Fuck gags. He wouldn’t touch one for a million lan, although he was pretty sure that much money didn’t even exist.
Prince Rainier returned, and he’d paused in the doorway as he looked at Felix. “Kitten, I’m sorry. I never would have left you with him if I’d suspected he’d hurt you. He’s supposed to stick with me as my personal guard, but I paid him extra to do this, and I thought he’d be okay with taking care of you for a little bit.”
“I don’t want to be a cat anymore,” whispered Felix.
Prince Rainier’s face tightened before he got on his knees by him. “How about if we make a deal? You can come stay at the Castle with me, and we’ll do it differently. We’ll take it slower, and I'll spoil you and treat you like a treasured Kitten.”
Prince Rainier sat and drew Felix against him. “Let me take care of you and spoil you. If this morning hadn't happened, I would have done it anyway when I came here. If you come home with me, you can live in my rooms, and I can spoil you much more.”
“I thought your Mum wouldn’t like that.”
“She’ll give me lecture, and I'll live. Also, I’ll give you eight thousand lan for it, and we’ll take it slower, all right? We’ll skip the three days of strict training. You can go back to the whorehouse if you really want to, but I don’t think you’ll get any one-on-one care there, and you’ll have to work.”
Tab would give him a few days off, but he had the business to oversee in general and wouldn't take care of him. Felix was friendly with the other whores, but they’d be working. He’d pretty much have to take care of himself because he wasn't going home and telling Mother about this.
“I don’t want this to ruin you for pet play or anything kinky you might enjoy,” said Prince Rainier. “Besides, I want to take care of you and make sure you’re all right up here too.” He lightly tapped Felix’s head.
If he said no, he also wouldn’t get the lan because why pay him if he returned to the whorehouse? People didn’t dole out money for nothing.
“What if I want to leave later but it hasn’t been six months?”
“You can,” said Prince Rainier. “I didn’t buy you to have a prisoner.”
Tab would give Felix a few days if he needed it, and he did feel like having a break from working and worrying about what various strangers wanted. The problem was that he wouldn’t make money if he wasn’t taking customers. It wasn’t like he would starve, but still…
Honestly, the Prince hadn’t done a single wrong thing to him. Everything between them so far had been consensual and enjoyable. Lance was the problem, and the Prince had taken care of him.
Or so Felix thought.
“Let me see Lance,” he said in a firm voice.
“It’s not pretty,” said the Prince.
“I still want to see him.”
If Prince Rainier refused, maybe that had all been an act so Felix would trust him for some reason and agree to this. Perhaps Lance was fine in the kitchen. Completely trusting someone with no proof wasn’t too high on Felix’s list of the things to do after what just happened.
Prince Rainier helped Felix up and led him into the kitchen. Sure enough, Lance was unconscious on the floor and hogtied. His nose had been bloodied, and he’d probably end up with a wicked shiner.
“It was a bit easy to knock him out with a couple of punches because he wasn’t so keen on beating me up at first.” Prince Rainier lifted one hand and a few sparks of electricity danced around his fingers. “Hitting royalty is usually a bad idea, so I got the first strikes in.”