Page 13 of Demon

I can’t cum though. I have to stay focused and make sure I get her to safety. After Eden is safe, I’ll turn my mind to finding the way to her, finding my own release. Once I’m in her sweet body. The thought of not shooting cum until I can put it in her little body causes me to eat her harder, use the broadest part of my tongue to lick her more, as I help make a mess of her pussy.

Chapter Eleven



My body is so tight, sweat has broken out on it and I can tell I’m digging the heels of my feet into Demon’s back. I moan into my hand as he uses just the barest hint of teeth against the hard nub before sucking it into his mouth. This time when I arch up to meet his tongue the hold I had over my body snaps and the muscles around my sex pulse and throb with release.

“D…demon…I…,” I need to tell him, need to warn him what is about to happen but the urge to just give in and cum becomes too great, “cumming.”

It’s all the warning I can give him as my climax rushes through me and my empty channel spasms around nothing but air. The world goes white, and I lose touch with everything around me. When I come back down from my sex high, it’s to find myself shivering through tiny orgasms as Demon cleans me with his tongue.

When he stands to help put my clothes back in place the sides of his face are shiny. I don’t need to be told what that is. I’m highly aware I’ve left my mark on him. I wonder if he knows he’s left his mark on me as well. His mark might not be as easy to see as mine on him but it’s every bit as glaring.

He pulls me up and helps me stand on legs as shaky as a newborn colt’s. He drops a kiss on my lips sharing the taste of myself with me before pulling away from me and wiping his face clean. When he yells for Cricket to come help a piece of my heart drops. I guess some part of me thought maybe I could keep him with me, keep him from doing this crazy thing if I gave him…myself.

“Push everything back when I leave and don’t open this until you know for sure it’s rescue. Understand?”

Cricket nods and looks about as glum as I do. Demon turns and gives me one more kiss before slipping through the opening we made and leaving me. I help Cricket put the stuff back in jerky automatic movements, my whole being going on autopilot now that Demon is gone. Once we're back in the private office and barricade that door as well, I sink to the floor and start crying. Not soft gentle tears but wailing sobs that rack my whole body as I sit in front of the barred door.

“Try not to worry, Eden. If anyone can walk through hell and get out on the other side, it’s Demon. He’ll be alright.”

I turn wet eyes and trembling chin up to Cricket, desperate to believe him. “How do you know?”

“Because…any other outcome is too damned wrong and I don’t want negative shit like that to bring me down and muck up the universe, just in case some higher power is listening.”

I nod and take the hand he holds out for me so he can help me to my feet. Cricket’s right. I need to be sending out nothing but positive now. I help Cricket look over Adam’s wounds and sit talking to the two men. But I’m only half here. The biggest part of me is gone, it left with Demon.

There are loud screams and another echoing boom that shakes the building as we all sit waiting for the worst. Have the inmates found out I’m here, that I’m unprotected now that Demon is gone? Is this it? It feels like we wait for hours as the clock on the wall ticks away our life second by second. The phone on the desk rings and me and Cricket look from one another to it. All three of us jump.

I find it funny that when Demon left no one wanted to sit in the chair he took when he was with us. It’s like we all agreed without saying a word that he was the leader of our party. Now I walk to the desk, pick up the cold receiver, and bring it to my ear.

“Pumpkin, is that you?”

“Daddy?” I start crying again. “Daddy, what’s going on? What’s happening?”

“The SWAT team is inside. They expect to get to you in the next couple of minutes. They need you to open the door for them and for none of the people with you to shoot them. Are you alright, sweetheart?”

No. Not really. I feel sick and I’m terrified for Demon. “What about Demon, Daddy? Is he…did he make it out okay?”

“He’s…hurt but otherwise he’s alright.”

“Hurt!” The word causes my vision to blur and my heart to ache. I open my mouth to ask for more information when a knock on the other side of the door comes through the walls.

“Open the doors, pumpkin. You’re safe now.”

But I’m not. I’m not okay. I won’t ever be okay again. Not until I know Demon is alright.

“It’s all over, Eden. It’s all over.”

His words echo through my mind and haunt my dreams for days to come. Is it all over? Demon told me he wouldn’t let me go, he said he would come for me. But was it all over for him too? Does he just want to put it all behind him and live his life without me? Is it really over?

Chapter Twelve

