Page 12 of Demon

“Help me move the barricades out of the way.”

“Wait! Please…” I take her hand that she is using to hold me back and give it a squeeze before helping Cricket move the file cabinet out of the way so I can get to the outer office.

I have my gun ready just in case someone has gotten inside but hasn’t made it into us yet. No use getting sloppy now. Once I’ve confirmed that the room is clear, the desks and cabinets still stacked against the door, I take Eden’s hand.

“Cricket, give us a minute.”

Cricket nods and goes back into the private office, closing the door behind him. I pull Eden to me and brush my hand down her cheek. It’s damp where she’s cried. Both of us realize it but neither of us say anything about it. If I acknowledged the fact she was crying over me, my resolve would waiver and I might end up doing something stupid like taking her with me.

“You going to give me a taste of that pussy before I leave?”

She looks down and nibbles on her lower lip. I plan to give her one last orgasm with my fingers and then fulfill my commitment to these guys, letting them in and helping them bring this fucking riot under control. But Eden shocks me by giving me a little nod and peeks at me through her lashes.

My brows rise at the tiny head nod. “Really?” She doesn’t look away. “You’re going to let me eat that pussy?”

“If you want to…yes.” Her voice doesn’t go above a whisper, but I hear her, loud and clear.

“Darlin’ a man would have to be dead not to want that pussy. And I am not a dead man.”

Her brow pulls down at my word choice.

“Even if I was, I’d come back to get a taste of this little thing.” I pull back so I can take a better look at her. “Are you letting me eat that pussy because you’re worried, I won’t come back?”

Her eyes fill with tears and she starts and stops trying to speak a few times before she finally says what’s trying to come out, “Yes. Yes, I’m worried I won’t ever see you again and even if you make it out of all this,” she sniffs and finally lowers her eyes, “we still won’t be able to…you know, because you’re in jail and stuff.”

“And you want to do ‘you know’ with me?”

She looks back up and meets my eyes before saying one soft word, “Yes.”

The smile that breaks across my face is instantaneous and has me moving before I can talk myself down. I wrap my hands around her waist and lift her off the ground as I walk both of us over to a desk. I yank it from the other desks so it’s away from the door and find myself a chair before laying her on top of the flat surface.

I push her skirt up even as I lean over and take her mouth with my own. This kiss is different from the ones before. This kiss isn’t just me kissing her. This time, she’s kissing me back. Her fingertips come up to brush against the stubble on my cheeks and chin, tracing my face.

I pull back so I can yank her panties to the side and look at the treasure hidden just for me, the promised land. Once I’ve bared her to my gaze, a sense of overwhelming possessiveness comes over me. I was right when I told her men would kill for this pretty peach. Picture perfect is how I would describe it if I had to put words to what I am looking at.

I run my fingertips up her center as I knock her legs further apart, wider open for me to inspect what is mine. No wonder they called her Eden, her body is a paradise. She tries once more to close her legs. Not so much to keep me out, but more because of the instinctual urge to protect herself. An instinct I am entirely thankful for.

I raise her legs and help her find the edge of the desk with the heels of her feet. The movement causes her little body to open to me like a flower unfurling in the light of the sun. She makes a move to place her hands over herself but I’m not having it. I take her hands and place them under her legs so she’s holding on to the back of her thighs, holding herself open for me.

I look up and meet her eyes, “Don’t move those hands, angel.”

She’s already breathing hard but gives me a quick nod. “Wh…what about the others?”

“Cricket won’t let Adam come out…no matter how loud you scream.”

Her eyes widen as I drag the chair closer and take a seat in front of the prettiest show on Earth. I could live like this, staring at her pussy all day and night. But I want to do more, and she’s fine with me going further. I lean forward and drag air into my lungs. Air scented with her fragrance.

“God damn, you smell good, sweetheart.” I keep giving her praise and encouraging her to show me more, to allow me to go further.

Could I have just swept in and ate her pussy like a deep part of me wants to? Yeah, but I want it flavored with her sweet cream when she cums for me. Nothing is going to be sweeter than having that on my tongue. That’s a prize I wouldn’t get if I rushed this.

“Are you ready for me, angel? Are you ready to have my mouth on your sweet pussy?” She doesn’t give me an answer verbally, but the little mewls she is letting out tell me all I need to know.

I spread her open wide with my fingers and take the tip of my tongue up the valley of her body. She cries out before slapping both of her hands over her mouth to cover the sound. When I end on her bundle of nerves at the top of her pussy, her back arches off the desk. She doesn’t realize it because of how innocent she is but the move pushes even more of her pussy in my mouth.

I latch on to what she is offering and suck and lick her pussy causing her to rock her head back and forth and try to close her legs. I wedge my shoulders in between her thighs to keep her open for me. I suck on one side and then the other before finally giving her relief by sucking on her clit. She screams into the palm of her hands as her feet leave the desk in a wild flail.

I put her legs over my shoulders so I can come closer to her sweet heaven and start mimicking sex with my tongue in her tight entrance. Her back bows up again and her hips start rocking on my face. I can make out some of what she is holding in with her hands. Snippets of her screaming my name, begging me for something she doesn’t understand just yet, and a prayer to God over and over again. All make me harder and harder.