I tell him I will be right back and head over to the others and tell them I’m going to meet them back at the house. We came in Logan’s car, and they don’t ask any questions when I say I’m going with Jason. I place a kiss on Chelsea’s cheek and promise not to be long, looking forward to the possibility of finding us all a new home we can share together.


I lie on the sofa with Luna in my arms as I try to watch the film with her. My eyelids are heavy, and I feel physically and mentally drained.

“Sweetheart, why don’t you both go to bed for an hour? You might feel better for it,” Drew suggests, running his hand over Luna’s head.

“I’m fine, Daddy,” she yawns, making us both chuckle.

“Neither of you are fine. You have had a really tough week and need to rest,” Logan declares as he walks into the room, stirring a cup of hot chocolate for Luna.

“You’ve had a tough week too, and you don’t need a nap every day.” I point out as Luna sits up and takes her drink from him.

“I don’t mean this as it sounds, but we have had much worse,” he says as he presses a kiss to my head. I look up at him and feel even sillier for feeling like this when I’ve been through a lot less than they have in their time as SEALs. Logan as always quickly picks up on my change of mood and shakes his head.

“Please don’t think what you two went through is any less important than what we did. We were paid professionals who went through years of training before we went out in any really dangerous situations. You were just going about a normal-ish day. You didn’t ask to be taken hostage, and you certainly didn’t ask to be separated from your daughter in the worst possible way.” He lets out a sigh as he leans over and presses a kiss to the top of my head.

“Go and curl up in our bed with Luna, put a film on and at least then if you fall asleep you are in a comfier place.”

I look up at him and see the concern in his warm, amber eyes.

“Okay, I need to do something first,” I reply as I go to climb off the sofa. Logan holds out his hand and pulls me to my feet and straight into his arms.

“Good girl, want me to cook your favourite for dinner tonight?” he says kissing my lips.

“Put a pin in that thought, I have something to show you all!” Calvin announces stalking into the room looking very smug. Luna jumps off the sofa and into his arms. “Hey Luna bug, want to see something cool?” he asks grinning.

“What?” she asks excitedly.

“Pip, the girls were just going to rest,” Logan starts, but I place a hand on his chest and smile.

“It’s fine. We will probably feel better for getting out of the house.”

Logan looks down at me, and I can see he’s not convinced, so I flash him a big smile, which earns me an eye roll.

“Come on then, get your coats; we are leaving now.”



I look out the window at the passing scenery and love how beautiful and green this area is. It’s not quite in the middle of no where, but there are only farms and manor houses around. Far from The busy town life we live in.

“You okay, darling? You’ve been quiet since we got in the car.” Calvin asks as I turn to look at him whilst he drives.

“Just wondering what you are up to,” I laugh. He’s not stopped smirking since we left the house. He had insisted that Luna and I travel with him, with Logan and Drew following us in another car.

“We need a bigger car, daddy.” Luna points out as she waves over her shoulder at the others behind us. She has done this every few minutes, and yet they are still smiling and waving back every time.

“I know, bug, I might have something in mind,” Calvin answers, checking once again that the others are still behind us.

“Is that what you are up to? Have you got a new car?” I ask. Calvin just grins further as he lifts my hand and presses a kiss to my knuckles.

“Stop trying to guess, because you won’t,” he laughs suddenly flicking on his indicator and taking a right, so we are off the main road and going up a narrow one. I look around before noticing a large house coming into view.

Calvin drives up the driveway and parks outside the main building before turning to me winking and getting out of the car. He opens Luna's door for her and holds it whilst she climbs out. I open my door and am just getting out when Logan and Drew climb out of their own car now parked behind us.

“Whose house is this, Pippin?” Logan asks as Luna rushes around the car and towards a tree where there is an old tire swing hanging from it.