“Princess don’t go on that; it looks too old to swing from!” Logan calls, causing Luna to stop in her tracks. Walking around the back of the car to where the three guys are standing, I look around, confused.
“At the moment, it belongs to Jason, but he has offered it to us at a very reasonable price if we want it,” Calvin announces. All of us come to a standstill and stare at him.
“This is our house?” Luna asks excitedly as Calvin picks her up and puts her on his hip.
“Not yet,” he answers before looking at the three of us. “I don’t know about you guys but I hate the thought of us all living in two separate households again. But neither of our houses is big enough for us all to live comfortably together. But this house is.”
I turn from Calvin and look up at the house. It is beautiful and certainly looks big enough to house all of us. I look back at Logan and Drew and can see them both looking back at the house.
“Is that what you two want as well? For us to find a way to live all together?” I ask nervously. Both guy's heads snap to look at me.
“Of course!” they say in unison.
“I have been dreading you guys going back to your place,” Drew answers. “I just didn’t know how to approach the subject with you.”
“Same here. I have loved having you both at home, and I never want to go back to only seeing you a couple of nights a week,” Logan adds. “There is no way we could all stay at yours, and ours is getting a little cramped. Luna won’t want us sleeping in with her for much longer.” He holds out his hands, and Luna jumps straight into his arms from Calvins. “To be honest I don’t sleep well in there as she’s a fidget bum,” he laughs as he tickles her and she starts squirming and squealing with laughter. I look back up at the house as I blink back the tears.
“You do want to stay with us, don’t you, Darling?” Calvin asks, taking my hand.
“Of course I do! We both do. I was scared you would all have enough of us,” I admit. All three guys instantly start arguing, declaring their love for us.
“Come on then, let's look inside, and we can have a chat about it and sum up all our options,” I saw smiling as I look back at the house.
“You are going to fall in love with this place,” Calvin declares as he takes my hand and guides me to the front door, where he stops and pulls a set of keys from his pocket.
“What? He just gave you the keys to his mansion?” Logan asks with a cocked brow. Calvin shrugs as he unlocks the door then rushes in to disable the alarm.
“I saved his life three times, helped rescue Jasmine and took a knife for him once as well. Think he knows he can trust me.”
“Fair enough,” Logan laughs as we all walk into the entrance hall, which is huge! From the ceiling hangs the most beautiful Chandelier.
“It’s a palace!” Luna exclaims as Logan puts her down. “Mummy, look at those stairs!” she giggles, rushing over to the grand staircase that the three of us could easily walk up side by side.
“There is six large rooms on this floor, including a kitchen big enough for a hotel, and a laundry room. There is a small apartment behind the three-car garage which Jason said is usually for the housemaid to sleep in. as well as rooms we could use as an office, lounge and dining room, as well as a large conservatory I’m sure Luna would love as a playroom. But come and look upstairs at the best bit!” he exclaims excitedly as he pulls me towards the stairs as we rush up them.
At the top of the staircase is a hall full of doors.
“There are two big bathrooms and four bedrooms two of which have en-suites, as well as two bedrooms and a bathroom on the next level.” Calvin turns around and grins at us as we all look around. Luna grabs my hand and drags me to the nearest door. Behind it is a beautiful bathroom with a walk-in shower, large bathtub and two sinks to one side as well as a door on the other, which no doubt leads to one of the bedrooms. This means the two separate bathrooms are the same as en suites anyway.
We spend the next half an hour exploring the whole house before heading into the grounds where we all stand back and watch Luna run around the overgrown flower beds and to the back of the garden where there is a paddock big enough for a horse.
“So what do you all think?” Calvin asks as he steps behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.
“It's beautiful and certainly has enough space for us all,” Drew says from the bench he is sitting on with Logan.
“How much is it?” Logan asks. being the sensible one, as always.
“It’s a steal,” Calvin starts but Logan gives him a look.
“How much, Pippin?” he asks firmly.
“Jason has offered it at a reduced price of one million pounds.”
“A MILLION!” all three of us yell together as we stare at Calvin.
“No bank is ever going to agree to give us a mortgage for a million pounds!” I point out as disappointment washes through me.
“We don’t need a mortgage; Jason has offered us a payment plan,” Calvin answers as I frown at him. Calvin is still grinning as he looks at the others. “We brought our house outright between us, if we sell it then other than the legal fees that cash is rightfully ours. So there is a little over two hundred thousand pounds.” Calvin then turns to me. “How much was yours?”