“He will never come near you again. He has signed over all parental rights to Luna and knows that if we ever see his face again we will go down the illegal route to make sure you are rid of him for good.” Logan leans in and rests his forehead against mine. “He knows what we are capable of and that we will do whatever it takes to protect you and Luna. Trust me baby you are finally free of him.”

I close my eyes and let out a deep breath feeling the weight of my history with my ex finally lifting. If Logan and the guys say I’m finally free, I believe them.

“I don’t deserve you,” I whisper as I start to feel overwhelmed.

“Baby, it’s us that don’t deserve you two,” Logan replies before kissing me gently on the lips. He pulls me to my feet and helps me out of my leggings, leaving me in an oversized T-shirt he lets me use. I look at him with one arched brow which earns me a smile.

“No, you need to sleep. Now get into bed and close your eyes,” He says softly as he holds lifts the duvet for me to climb in. He walks around to the other side of the huge bed and pulls me into his arms so my head is against his now bare chest. “Sleep baby, I’ve got you,” he whispers into my hair as I close my eyes and sleep drags me under again.



I wake up to the sound of hushed talking out on the landing. I check Chelsea is still asleep before climbing out of bed and heading out to see what's going on.

“Are you trying to wake the whole house? Or just me,” I moan as I rub my face. Both turn around to face me as I approach.

“Sorry man I was just checking how everything went with Prince,” Calvin sighs rubbing his neck. I turn to Drew who shrugs.

“Nothing to tell, he’s been warned what will happen if he ever comes near them again and signed the paperwork regarding Luna.”

“No questions asked?”

Drew shakes his head, and I nod, feeling like something has finally gone right today.

“What’s going on?”

We all turn to see Chelsea standing in the doorway in nothing by my t-shirt looking gorgeous, with her bed hair.

“Nothing darling, we were just talking. We didn’t mean to wake you,” Calvin says walking up to her and placing a soft kiss on her lips.

“I wasn’t in a deep sleep,” she sighs before looking around at us. There's a way she looks us each up and down as if checking us out. I see a small smirk on Drew's face as he walks up to her and backs her against the door frame pressing his body tightly against hers.

“Anything your men could do to help?” he asks before kissing her lightly against the lips. I see a smile appear as she looks directly at me as Drew kisses her neck. I feel myself getting rock hard, when I look at Calvin, I see he’s watching just as intently as Drew kisses her on the lips and slides his hand between her legs which open slightly giving him better access. Drew lifts her t-shirt with one hand whilst moving her thong to the side and burying his fingers inside her.

“You are so wet, is that for us?” he asks as he removes his fingers, so they glisten in the light for us all to see.

“Fuck,” I growl as I palm my cock. “Get her on the bed.”

Drew grabs her ass and lifts her so she can wrap her legs around his waist and carries her into the room. He lays her on the bed and makes short work of stripping her bare. As Calvin and Drew both step back to strip out of their clothes I drop to my knees between her legs, dragging her so her sweet pussy is in my face. I take one finger and rub it around her entrance. Fuck I have never seen anything as beautiful as this woman's pussy when she is aroused.

“So wet, and fucking ready,” I groan as I watch one then two of my fingers slide into her entrance. She makes the sweet sound that escapes her the first time you insert a finger or cock into her. It’s a noise I could listen to over and over again.

“How does she taste tonight?” Calvin asks over my shoulder. I move out of the way slightly, without removing my fingers.

“As sweet as always, try it for yourself.”

Calvin and runs his tongue over her clit and I fuck her with my fingers. I hear him hum causing Chelsea to moan again. He sucks on her clit and slowly lets it slip from his lips with a slight pop.

“Perfection,” he sighs as he climbs onto the bed and kisses her on the lips, while Drew comes in beside me and starts licking her pussy.

“Do you remember a discussion we had that night before I fucked you from behind whilst you held on to the back of the sofa?” I hear Calvin whisper to her.

“Yes,” she gasps as Drew sucks on her clit.

“We talked about two of us doing you simultaneously, but we never discussed all of us. Do you think we could combine the two options so all of us can be inside you at the same time?”

Drew and I both look at Chelsea and Calvin but they are grinning at each other.