“We could try,” Chelsea says nervously.

“Are you sure?” he asks her, and she nods whilst her smile turns into a grin. Her pussy tightens around my fingers causing me to smile.

“I don’t know what you have planned, but fuck I’m loving how much it’s turning you on. Your pussy has just sucked my fingers deeper,” I groan as I reposition my dick which is painfully hard. Calvin looks at us and smiles.

“Before Houdini decided to finally join the party, I asked Chels if she would ever consider sleeping with Drew and me at the same time?” he explains grinning at Chelsea. “I showed her two options. One where she sucked on one of our cocks whilst the other fucked her. Or, two where one of us fucked her sweet pussy as the other took her ass.”

“Fuck,” Drew and I both curse together and Calvin grins at us smugly. I stand up and remove my fingers from between her legs as I lean over her and press a kiss to her lips.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, you never have to do more than you want, not with us.” I look deep into her eyes looking for any sign of apprehension, but there’s none.

“I want you all in me at the same time. I’ve been thinking about it for a while.” She brushes some hair from my face before looking at the others beside us.

“I belong to all of you, and I want us to try this.”

I kiss her hard on the mouth, letting my lips and tongue devour her as she moans. I look behind me and see Drew's face buried between her legs as he eats her up, just the way she loves it. I continue to kiss her as he licks her until I can feel her body starting to shudder underneath me. She moans straight into my mouth and fuck it feels amazing. There's something about the way the four of us come together like this that feels so fucking right.

Listening and feeling the way Chelsea is reacting to another man giving her pleasure right underneath me, would it make me hard if it was anyone else? Hell no, I would straight up kill the fucker. But when it's Drew or Calvin, making her squirm and cry out with pleasure, fuck it’s hot as shit.

“Oh shit!” Chelsea cries out, instantly slamming a hand over her mouth in fear of waking Luna as Calvin and I chuckle at her.

“I’m going to buy us a huge house and make sure every room is soundproof, because the sounds you make when you cum are fucking beautiful,” I groan in her ear before kissing her neck.

“I need you,” she groans as Drew removes herself from between her legs. “I need you all, complete me.”

I smile as I climb off her and stand at the bottom of the bed.

“Which of you wants her mouth and which her pussy? Her ass is mine.”

Drew rolls his eyes as he climbs on the bed and kisses Chelsea who licks his lips. I love how she reacts to the taste of herself on our lips.

“I want to be up this end, I can’t wait to see how you look as you take us all,” he says grinning. Chelsea smiles as she lifts up and kisses him again.

Calvin climbs between her legs nudging his way up her body as he kisses her from her stomach up. Drew seems to know what’s coming as he moves backwards just in time for Calvin to roll them, so Chelsea is on top of him. her perfect peach of an ass in front of me. I can't stop myself from rubbing it before laying one slap on it. Chelsea cries out and looks over her shoulder at me.

“I told you one day I would spank you,” I wink as she chuckles at me.

“And I told you, you might like it,” Calvin adds from beneath her. I watch as he grabs her hips and lowers her hard and fast onto his rock-hard cock.

“Fuck!” she cries out as her back arches and her head rolls back.

“Do it again,” Calvin calls out as he thrusts into her and I spank her in time of his impaling her.

“Oh my god yes!” Chelsea cries out as Drew kneels in front of her.

“Wait a second Bambi, I need to get her ready,” I say grabbing hold of her perfect cheeks and rimming her back entrance with my tongue. Calvin holds himself still as Chelsea wiggles and squirm's on top of him. I grin to myself as I spank her again. Her head shoots round to look at me over her shoulder.

“Stop moving otherwise you will get another one,” I warn.

“And if I can't stay still?” she asks frowning at me.

“Then I won't be able to do this.” I rim her again and hear her crying out in pleasure, but this time she stays perfectly still. “That's what I thought,” I point out as I wink at her and go back to licking her asshole, getting it nice and wet before sliding one finger into her tight hole.

“I don't know if you will be able to take me tonight, baby. I need some lube. You are far too tight.”

“Bambi, my top drawer in the nightstand,” Calvin calls and Drew winks before jumping off the bed.

“Do I want to ask why you have lube?” Chelsea asks grinning down at him. Calvin shrugs as he smiles back.