I turn to Calvin and frown.

“I wasn’t moaning, I would never expect you to put us before your business, especially with how it’s still early days for you all.”

“We know you wouldn’t, baby. But we would put you guys over the business if you ever needed us to. That’s the great thing about this relationship. Even if you needed two of us, there is still one to keep things running,” he points out.

“Plus, we don’t actually have to work in the office most of the time. We can work from home, too. So, if there is ever an issue like today, one of us will always be available to pick up Luna and bring her home,” Calvin adds as he pulls out my seat so I can sit down as Logan places a plate of pasta bake in front of me.

“I didn’t expect you all to drop everything for Luna like that. I know it would have meant the world to her,” I say, smiling at them all.

“She is our girl, who was poorly; of course, we were all going to do what we could to make her feel better,” Calvin says beside me. “We know that usually kids have two parents who share responsibility for the child, but she is lucky enough to have four of us who can work together to ensure she has everything she needs,” he continues.

“Whether that’s being picked up from school or taken to a friend’s party. We are here for all of it,” Drew adds. I look around at the three men all now sitting around my little table, making the place feel like a home and showering me and my baby with nothing but love.

“Thank you, all of you.” I look around at their three faces and wish I could tell them how much they have already done for us. “It will take a bit of getting used to, but we will get there,” I add, picking up my fork.

“And we will be here showing you both all the care and affection you deserve until you realise how much you truly mean to us,” Calvin says placing a hand on my arm.

I smile at him before I hear Logan clear his throat.

“In the meantime, eat your dinner. I want to know you have eaten at least one decent meal whilst we are away,” Logan orders as he picks up his fork.

“You do remember I’m older than you right?” I argue playfully. Logan gives me that raised eyebrow look and I can’t stop the smirk that spreads across my face.

“Does that mean you’re too old to go over my knee?”

I feel the smile disappear from my face as Drew chokes next to me.

“Yes!” I argue, shocked he would even suggest such a thing.

“We’ll see. Now be a good girl and eat your dinner,” he replies as he starts to eat his food, unable to wipe the smile from his face.

I look to Calvin, who shrugs as he stabs some pasta on his own plate.

“You never know you might enjoy it,” he chuckles as Drew roars, laughing.

“I can’t believe we are having this conversation at the dinner table,” I point out shaking my head.

“Finish eating and we can move it to the bedroom,” I hear Calvin whisper beside me. I pretend I don’t hear him, but I’m sure the fact that my cheeks are bright red gives me away. Fuck, I had planned on asking Drew to stay tonight, but I might have to consider if I have enough room for more than one … Damn it I need a bigger bed.



“How is Luna now? Has she recovered from the bug?” Calvin asks as I move the phone from one shoulder to the other.

“Yeah, she’s fine. She hasn’t been sick since that first day and is eating normally again. Thankfully, it means she can go back to school tomorrow,” I answer, rubbing the night cream into my face as I get ready for bed. “How has the festival gone? Any major issues?”

“Don’t ask. I swear all I’ve done is deal with drugged-up pricks,” Logan groans down the phone. “I can’t wait to crawl into bed tomorrow after a long shower.”

The guys have been gone for five nights, but they have made a point of calling every day together to check in on us. They have also messaged me individually to check we are okay. You would think I couldn’t handle life without them here, the way they act at times. They seem to forget that it’s just been Luna and me for the past six years, and we survived just fine then. We will be fine for five days at least.

“Take it you were never the festival type?” chuckle as I activate the loudspeaker before placing the phone on the bed while I get changed.

“Never understood the appeal. I spent enough time living in a tent when deployed. I certainly didn’t wish to sleep on a roll mat if I didn’t have to,” he answers.

“He moaned like a bitch when deployed, no one ever wanted to bunk in with him. We used to pull straws to see who the poor unfortunate soul would be,” Calvin laughs as I hear a radio static in the background. One of the lads curses, and I know that’s the end of the phone call.

“Sorry, Chels, we have to go. We will see you tomorrow, though,” Calvin calls, as I hear them all moving about. I’m torn between wanting to know what they are being called out for and not wanting to know what danger they are in at the same time.