I throw open the door and nearly hit Logan as he was about to open it for me.

“Where is she? Is she okay?” I demand. Logan places his hands on the top of my arms and smiles softly.

“She’s fine. Take a deep breath and calm down. She’s in the lounge watching TV with the other two. She has only been sick once since getting home, and her temperature is slowly coming down.” He presses a kiss to my lips before turning me towards the lounge. I walk in to see Luna lying on the sofa, her head on Drew's lap and her feet on Calvin’s. She’s covered in her favourite blanket and watching a film on the TV. Drew is the first to notice me, and a smile spreads across his face.

“Look who’s home, Luna?” he says softly as he runs his hand over her head. She looks up and smiles when she finally notices me walking towards her.

“Hey honey, how are you feeling?” I ask quietly as I go to kneel down in front of her, but she sits up and wraps her arms around my neck. I pull her into my arms as Calvin moves the blanket, and I sit between the two men with my girl on my lap.

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t here, Luna,” I whisper into her hair. She looks up at me with her flushed cheeks and smiles.

“It’s okay, Mummy. Bambi looked after me until the others got here.” She leans her cheek against my chest as I hold her tight. Drew places an arm around my shoulders and I lean against him. I’m so grateful for these men walking into our lives. I close my eyes and bury my nose into Luna's hair, which smells sweeter thanks to the medication. The two of us cuddle up to Drew as we sit


I feel someone lift Luna out of my arms and wake with a jump.

“Shush, Chels. Houdini’s just putting her to bed,” Drew whispers into my hair. I look up to see Luna asleep in Logan's arms.

“I’ll come with you,” I whisper as I blink back the sleep and go to stand up. Drew instantly jumps to his feet and helps me to mine. I thank him before following Logan out of the lounge and up the stairs to Luna's room. Pulling back the covers, Logan places her gently on the bed, and she instantly curls up, holding a teddy to her chest.

“I don’t recognise that,” I frown at the brown fluffy bear.

“It’s new. I saw it in the pharmacy and couldn’t resist getting it for her,” he says as he steps behind me and wraps his arms around me so I can lean back against him as I watch my poor baby sleep.

“I feel so bad for not being here with her. It’s been eating at me all day.”

“I promise she has been fine. She’s slept on and off most of the time, and she has had the three of us wrapped around her little finger,” he whispers into my ear before kissing my cheek lovingly.

“There is nothing we wouldn’t do for that little girl. We want you to believe us and see how much she means to us.”

“It’s hard,” I sigh as I turn in his arms and place my arms around his neck. He’s the only one who knows a little about my past.

“I know, baby. Trust me, we all do. But we will do whatever it takes for you to see we are not changing our minds or leaving you both.” He reaches up and runs his knuckles down my cheek. “After Angie, I never thought I would love anyone ever again. But here I am, falling head first for you and that little girl. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for the two of you, and I hope you realise how much I love you both.”

I stare at him, unsure how to answer. He smiles as he leans in and kisses me on the lips.

“I don’t expect you to say it back, I just want you to know that no matter what the future brings for us all, I, for one, am never willingly leaving either of your sides.” He kisses me once more before leading me from the bedroom and back downstairs, where the other two are in the kitchen setting the table. I realise the pans on the cooker and the smell of the food coming from the oven.

“Have you cooked?” I ask, amazed, looking around at the three of them.

“Houdini is a mean chef and wanted to show off,” Calvin chuckles as he winks at Logan, who shakes his head whilst walking over to the cooker.

“It’s nothing special. I just figured the last thing you would want to do after a busy day is cook.” He turns to look at me, and I can’t help grinning.

“He also nearly had a heart attack when he saw all the frozen meals in your freezer,” Drew laughs.

“Hey, at least I’m eating something. Sometimes I really cannot be bothered to eat when it’s just me at mealtimes,” I argue. Drew pulls me into his arms and kisses the top of my head as I wrap my arms around his waist.

“Well, in that case, we will try our very hardest to make sure you are never alone at dinner time from now on.”

“Except for the next five nights,” Logan adds with raised eyebrows.

“What? Where are you all going?” I ask, looking around at them all.

“We are providing security for a huge festival, and we know it will look better if we show our faces and they see that we are ensuring everything is running smoothly,” Logan explains as he turns back to the stove and pulls something out of the oven that smells amazing.

“It was booked nearly a year ago and will be our biggest payout yet. We have to go, sorry, darling.”