I nod and head out of the office to grab a pen and paper from my desk as well as a coffee since no one thought to get one ready for me, even though I would have made sure they had one, but hey, we can’t all be perfect like Logan, can we?

I feel my jaw clench as I go about getting everything I need, as well as the new laptop Mr Young got for me so I could work from home if I ever needed to. It also makes it easier for me to work from his office at times like this.

Walking back into the office, I place a mug in front of Logan and one on the desk for Mr Young before heading back out for my own.

“I didn’t ask for a coffee.”

I spin around on my heels and stare at him.

“I’ll drink it then,” I snap before walking over and picking it up.

“You won’t like it,” he mutters under his breath.

“How, in the thirty-odd times you have seen me drinking coffee, have you not noticed that we take coffee the same way? Black, no sugar. Or are you that far up your own arse that you don’t notice the simplest things about others?” I snap as I go to storm past him, but he stands in my way, dropping his tablet on the table.

“Up my own ass, am I?”

“Yes! A simple thank you would have been sufficient, but you have to make it sound like I forced you to drink poison. You could have thanked me for coming in on the afternoon I had booked off to spend with my daughter. Or even better, you could have allowed me the time off and done what was needed, considering you insisted you had access to everything everywhere!” I snap.

“Have you quite finished?” he snaps. “Or would you like to tell me another way I haven’t noticed the simplest thing about you. Like how you smell the ends of your hair when you are tired. Or how about whenever a male you don’t know walks into the same room as you, you instantly step away from them, putting as much distance between you as possible? Or when we were talking about your shoulder the other day, you rubbed your right one as if it was hurting at that moment. Maybe I was so far up my own ass I didn’t notice how Luna eyes up every male that comes near her, yet with me and Drew, she visibly relaxed and stepped closer, just as you do. But please, tell me how I haven’t noticed the simplest things about you.” He grabs his tablet from the table and storms towards the door.

“I will send you the list of what I need. If you need me, I will be in the security hub. If not, I will see you in two nights as organised.”

With that, he storms out of the room, leaving me feeling like the biggest bitch, and even more confused by his behaviour than I was before. When the hell did my life get so fucking complicated?



As much as I wanted to spend the rest of the day avoiding Logan, the universe had other ideas.

Logan asked me to check Thomas Jeffery’s whereabouts during his shifts. By complete fluke, I realised nothing was matching up, so I begrudgingly went down to the security hub to show him what I found. After a few hours of digging and going through hours of CCTV footage, comparing it to his card logins, we realised Jeffery’s was purposely turning off cameras and leaving his security card for someone to come into the building and access places they shouldn’t have been in. Logan disappeared for an hour and came back with a slightly roughed-up Jeffery’s.

“Are those completely necessary?” I ask, pointing to Jeffery’s hands, which are cuffed behind his back.

Logan grunts something about not trusting the prick not to try and do a runner. I opt to keep my mouth shut and let him do what he wants. The sooner we get the information we need, the sooner I can get home. Poor Calvin has bad Luna for five hours now, and I’m sure he’s regretting offering to help, even if he is too nice to admit it.

Between the two of us, we managed to get Jefferys to tell us all and boy did he spill the beans. All it took was me showing him the evidence that he was seen on one side of the building when his card was being used on the other. He claimed he had no idea who they were, but they were scary enough to make him fear for his life if he didn’t do as they asked. He wasn’t even that clever about it. It was as if he had wanted to get caught. But when I suggested that to Logan, he just huffed and muttered about Jeffery’s just being too big-headed for his own good. I looked through all the camera footage with and without Logan to try and see something, somewhere, but whoever’s accessing areas with the card might as well have been Harry Potter in an invisibility cloak as there’s nothing.

This put Logan into a fouler mood than he was already in, as he took it personally. They had gotten past his security on a number of occasions.

By eight o’clock, I’m exhausted and ready to collapse into bed for the rest of the night. But I need to double-check everyone’s cards to make sure it was just Jeffery’s leaving his card lying around or gaining access to areas they shouldn’t have been in.

“Chelsea, go home. I can do this,” Logan says from the other side of the room.

“I’m fine,” I mutter, rocking my head from side to side to ease my aching neck.

“That wasn’t a request. Go home, you’re exhausted.”

I turn to look at him with wide eyes.

“Who died and made you the boss of me?” I demand, crossing my arms over my chest. The prick doesn’t even look up from the laptop he is working on.

“Someone needs to make sure you look after yourself since you seem determined to run yourself into the ground.”

I continue to stare at him, amazed.

“You almost sound like you care,” I sigh as I turn back to the computer and log myself out. Not wanting to admit out loud that he’s right.